Are you ready for the challenge? Vocabulary Unit Are you ready for the challenge?
Vocabulary #1 We will be starting a new unit. Each week from now on you will receive a new list of vocabulary words. You will need to create a four part card for each word, which needs to be kept in your notebook.
Example of Vocabulary Card I Word: cajole (verb) An action word Definition: to coax, urge strongly Synonym: persuade Antonyms: Words that mean the opposite. Illustration Link: This may be a cartoon or draw w/ a saying or phrase.
1st Vocabulary Card Word: Definition: cajole (verb) An action word Definition: to coax, urge strongly Synonym: persuade Antonyms: demand force require Illustration Link: Come and get me Mr. Bully!
2nd Vocabulary Word Word: Cursory I Definition: adj. describes a noun Definition: done in a quick superficial way Illustration Link: antonyms: calculated deliberate unhurried unrushed
3rd Vocabulary Word Word: Pompous I Definition: adj. describes a noun Definition: exaggerated sense of one’s self Illustration Link: antonyms: humble lowly modest
4th Vocabulary Word Word: reckless I Definition: adj. describes a noun Definition: Without thought of danger; irresponsible Illustration Link: antonyms: careful cautious prudent
5th Vocabulary Word Word: vicarious I Definition: adj. describes a noun Definition: serving instead of someone else; substitution Illustration Link: antonyms: To do the task yourself
6th Vocabulary Word Word: vilify I Definition: verb an action word Definition: Defame, speak ill of; slander Illustration Link: antonyms: glorify honor applaud