Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s Early years Born April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England Stratford-upon-Avon was a small town 103 miles away from London. His dad owned a leather shop and had an official position similar to a mayor. Shakespeare attended a local school that taught reading and writing. Shakespeare was one of six kids in his family
Shakespeare’s Family Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway when she was 26 and he was 18. Hathaway was about three months pregnant when they married! The couple had a girl, and two years later they had twins. One of the twins, Hamnet died at age 11 of unknown causes.
The Poet Shakespeare began writing poetry in Stratford-upon-Avon. He moved to London to work as an actor and after a few years he joined the largest acting company- the Lord Chamberlain’s Men Shakespeare wrote and acted for many years and became a part owner of the playhouse he worked. He later built The Globe, a new theater Shakespeare wrote more than 30 plays and his plays are still read by students every year- just like you!