Daily Life in the New England Colonies Wally, Chris, Cristina
New Hampshire Religion New Hampshire was founded in 1638 by John Mason. At this time, as much of New England, it was dominated by a majority of Puritans. However, the Protestant Congregational Church grew out of the Puritan church.
New Hampshire Culture New Hampshire was ruled over by John Mason, who, was working under a royal charter. He, much like other European leaders at the time attacked local natives and wiped out whole tribes of women and children. The settlers lived a very strict and emotionless lifestyle. All Puritans were not supposed to enjoy any emotional happiness. Their religion told them to work hard.
Religion in Massachusetts There was no law liberating the freedom of speech in Massachusetts. There was no such thing at the time because of the Puritans (protestants) who first sailed across the seas. They did not want anyone else practicing other religions. They were still part of the Church of England. The colony itself was actually founded by these Puritans in the early 1600’s. The beginnings of the colony was actually based off Protestant ideas, so it is clear that religion was a major part of life. Anglican, Quaker, and Baptist thinking was not acceptable. More than 20,000 people migrated from Europe to the New England colonies. This population growth was controlled under an elected governor of each colony.The leaders of each colony was also widely influenced by religious beliefs.
Culture in Massachusetts Culture in Massachusetts was all about surviving the next season, as it was in all the early New England colonies. It was based off farming and producing enough food to be self reliant. At this time, most local Native Americans were hostile towards the Puritans because of diseases and illnesses contracted by earlier Europeans.
Relations Between Settlers and Natives The Puritans would try to civilize the Native Americans by “allotting” plots of land to the Natives. This didn’t really work out, and Natives were forced to attend church services and accept the new way of life. Again, this religious thinking was not regular to the Native Americans. This arose frictions between the two cultures.
Rhode Island Rhode island is the state with the smallest area and the longest name. Rhode island was found in 1636. Rhode Island is located in the northeastern United States, in the region called New England. The other 4 New England states are New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Rhode island was found in 1636.
Roger Williams Rhode Island was founded in 1636 a man named Roger Williams. Roger Williams was a putant and a leader of the Rhode Island Colony. He was born on December 21, 1603 in Smithfield, London, England. He and his wife went to the new world because he did not believed that the Church of England was corrupt. He and his wife arrived at Boston at February 5, 1631. He did not like how Boston used religion so he moved to a place where is now called as Rhode Island. He believed that everyone should have their own religion.
Cultures and Religion of Rhode Island The 13 colonies were divided into three geographic regions consisting of the New England, Middle and Southern colonies. The Rhode Island Colony was classified as one of the New England Colonies. Roger Williams who founded Rhode Island, believed in religious freedom and tolerated other people’s different religious views as well as its practice. The early Rhode Island depended heavily on trade with the Native Indians in the region. The early settlers were less biased to Indians and the land were purchased from the Indians fairly. The Rhode Island’s major industries were agriculture and fishing. In towns along the coast, the colonists made their living fishing, whaling, and shipbuilding. Whale oil was a valuable resource as it could be used in lamps at this time. The other towns made their living with farming and growing livestocks. Farming was difficult for crops like wheat because of the poor soil but corn, pumpkins, rye, squash and beans were raised.
Culture and Religion in Connecticut The religion in Connecticut was Puritans. There was no religious freedom in the areas that the Puritans were in. The Puritan religion was part of the Church of England. Thomas Hooker was the founder of Connecticut. Thomas Hooker was a Puritan and was very religious. Hardford the capitol of Connecticut was not as religious as New Haven. New Haven was very strict in religion.
Thomas Hooker Thomas Hooker was the man who founded the Connecticut colony. Thomas Hooker is a great speaker. He is a Puritan and didn't like anyone who wasn't a Puritan. The Hooker family was known back to at least the reign of Henry VIII. He now is know as Father as American democracy.
Study Tools Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire Religion Culture Relations with Native Americans
Works Cited "Colonial New Hampshire." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015. "New Hampshire Colonial History." New Hampshire Colonial History. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. "Province of New Hampshire." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. "John Mason (c. 1600–1672)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. "Colonial Massachusetts." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. "Massachusetts Bay Colony." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. "The 13 American Colonies: Massachusetts." The 13 American Colonies: Massachusetts. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2015. "Rhode Island Colony." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015. "Roger Williams Biography." Roger Williams Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2015.