Anna, Philippa and Dawes Creativity Anna, Philippa and Dawes
Impact of Ken Robinson Remind us of the importance of creativity – we all know we need to be creative. Questioning how we teach, what we are ‘used’ to doing and seeing it in a different light Think about how to add creativity to existing curriculum – do we need to rethink our topics? Do we need a refresh in new ideas?
Focus on a class text – The Zoo by Anthony Browne Inspired by discussions with the Early Years Using themes in the book in a more cross curricular way PSHE – Debate; are zoos right or wrong? RE – Animals in Hinduism Science – Creating animal enclosures with alarm systems ICT – Used green screens to create a news report English – writing a descriptive narrative Art – inspired by the illustrations; lots of interesting discussions, and animal collages/clay.
Genius Hour Genius Hour is a time given during the school day to allow students to follow their passions and learn about topics that interest them. For one hour a week, they read, research, plan and design their passion projects. Projects can be media based (movie, slideshow, etc.), or something physical they build, design, or create. At the completion of your Genius Hour timeline, these projects need to be shared with an audience. classroom.html
Making links – Maths and Literacy Children’s literature can provide a rich context from which to begin mathematical investigations. They provide opportunities for students to incorporate creativity into mathematics while creating links across other subject areas. Using literature as a stimulus for open-ended investigation can provide each student in the class an opportunity to achieve success, regardless of mathematical ability by creating a rich, shared context. 365 Penguins Problem solving Fun and engaging book Promotes discussion
Next steps The need for a more cross-curricular approach - not as many topics at once Find ways to incorporate and integrate art, music and drama into other subjects Get outdoors more – look for more opportunities to learn outdoors (although issues with risk assessment etc) Would be good to work with our year groups to look at the medium term plans and new topics. Pupil voice – give the children freedom to choose their approach on the topic.