The Crucible Bellringer #9 8/22/13 Directions: Used yesterday’s irony notes to help you answer these questions. What is verbal irony? What is dramatic irony? What is situational irony? Today’s Target: I can identify examples of irony and understatements.
The Crucible Bellringer #10 8/23/13 Explain the irony shown in the picture on the bottom right. What was ironic about Alanis Morisette’s song “Ironic”? Today’s Target: I can identify examples of irony and understatements.
The Crucible Bellringer #11 8/26/13 Give one example from Act II that demonstrates the distant/awkward relationship between Elizabeth and John Proctor. Why do people “part like the seas” (193) when Abigail walks by? Why is John Proctor hesitant to go to Salem and tell the court what Abigail told him? Today’s Target: I can identify examples of irony and understatements.
The Crucible Bellringer #12 8/27/13 On what charge was Rebecca Nurse arrested? (201) On what charge was Martha Corey arrested? (201) Explain how Abigail was able to set Elizabeth up for murder. Today’s Target: I can identify examples of irony and understatements.
The Crucible Bellringer #13 8/28/13 After Elizabeth has been taken away to jail, what does John Proctor command Mary Warren to do? Why is Mary Warren afraid to do what he asks? What does John Proctor mean by this statement: “Peace. It is a Providence, and no great change; we are only what we always were, but naked now” (205)? Today’s Target: I can identify examples of irony and understatements.
The Crucible Bellringer #14 8/29/13 Explain Reverend Hale’s statement, “Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small” (199). What happened at the end of Act II? Make a prediction about what will happen in this act. Take into consideration how Act II ended. What is going to happen in Act III? Today’s Target: I can identify words and phrases that impact meaning and tone.
The Crucible Bellringer #15 8/30/13 Directions: Use your tone notes from yesterday to help you answer the following questions. Define tone. What are the three main classifications of tone words? Today’s Target: I can identify words and phrases that impact meaning and tone.
The Crucible Bellringer #16 9/3/13 Directions: Think about the tone of the words below. Identify whether you think each word has a positive, neutral, or negative tone. Use your notes to help you if you need them. Proud Humble Informative Critical Confident Irritated Today’s Target: I can identify words and phrases that impact meaning and tone.