Dative a. indirect object - Case Function Dative a. indirect object - Sing. ae the idea of ‘to/for’ after verbs of Pl. is giving, telling, showing give - do dare tell - narro narrare The daughters of the sailors give roses to the good lady. Noun Noun Verb Noun Adj. Noun Subject Possession 3 Pl. Dir. Obj. Indirect Object Nom. Genitive Pres. Acc. Dat. Fem. Masc. Act. Fem. Fem. Pl. Pl. Indic. Pl. Sing. Filiae nautarum rosas dominae bonae dant. daughter - filia filiae f. sailor - nauta nautae m. give - do dare rose - rosa rosae f. lady - domina dominae f. good - bona
Dative b. with special adjectives Case Function Dative b. with special adjectives Sing. ae propinqua - near to, next to Pl. is cara - dear to The farmhouse is next to the cottages of the slaves. Noun Verb Adj. Noun Noun Subject 3 S. With Spc. Adj. Possession Nom. Pres. Dative Genitive Fem. Act. Fem. Fem. Sing. Indic. Pl. Pl. Villa est propinqua casis servarum.
Declension and translation of a 1st Declension Noun Singular Translation Nominative puella girl Genitive puellae girl’s, of the girl Dative puellae to/for the girl Accusative puellam girl Ablative puella with, by, from the girl Plural Translation Nominative puellae girls Genitive puellarum girls’, of the girls Dative puellis to/for the girls Accusative puellas girls Ablative puellis with, by, from the girls
Conjugation and translation of the irregular verb “be” sum esse - be Present Tense 1. sum I am 1. sumus we are 2. es you are 2. estis you are 3. est he, she, it, 3. sunt they, N.P.N., N.S.N, there are there is
Conjugation and translation of the Regular verb “call” voco vocare - call Present Tense Translations = am, is, are, simple present Present Stem + Personal Endings 1. voco I call 1. vocamus we call 2. vocas you call 2. vocatis you call 3. vocat he calls 3. vocant they call