Chapter 6 – The Legislative Branch
CONGRESS Meets in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Make new laws and discuss issues A new “term” of Congress starts on January 3rd of every odd-numbered year
CONGRESS – Cont’d Called a “bicameral” legislature because it’s divided into two parts: Senate House of Representatives
The House of Rep’s Every state is divided into several districts (areas) with one representative elected from each. Each district should contain roughly the same number of constituents (roughly 711,000)
The House of Rep’s Sometimes states create oddly shaped districts (known as a gerrymander) to try to increase the voting strength of a particular group
The House of Rep’s Representatives are more concerned with issues that affect their district than issues that affect the whole state This means Rep’s are more closely involved with the people than Senators are.
The Senate Each senator represents his/her own state instead of a particular district Elections are staggered so that no more than 1/3 of the Senators are up for election at one time – ensures stability
In both the House & the Senate, there is a Majority Party Minority Party
Leader of House of Rep’s Members of the Majority Party elect a “Speaker of the House” Directs legislation through the House In charge of floor debates Deals with other “House business”
Leader of Senate Technically, the Vice President is in charge of the Senate, BUT… He rarely attends meetings! (Only votes when there is a tie.)
Leader of Senate The person who usually acts as leader of the Senate is known as the President Pro Tempore. (Means “For the time being”)
COMMITTEES Sometimes the work of the House & Senate is given to these smaller groups of lawmakers There are 4 types…
STANDING Committees Permanent committees that continue their work from session to session. (Senate has 16, House has 19. They work separately!) Ex: Education, budget, etc…
SELECT Committees Created to do a special job for a limited time. Ex: Homeland Security
JOINT Committees Include members of both the House of Rep’s and the Senate Ex: The Economy, Taxes, etc…
CONFERENCE Committees (Also temporary) Meets when the specifics of a law that is being passed needs to be discussed
Number of years served per term Representatives Senators Total # in the US Total # per state Number of years served per term Leader is known as: