Blaise Pascal
Life Blaise Pascal, (d. 19 Haziran 1623 – ö. 19 Ağustos 1662), is a French thinker, mathematician and phsicist. His most known book is ‘Thoughts”. He wrote an investigation on conics when he was only 16 years old.
In 1646, he and his sister Jacqueline identified with the religious movement within Catholicismknown by its detractors as Jansenism.His father died in 1651. Following a mysticalexperience in late 1654, he had his "second conversion", abandoned his scientific work, and devoted himself to philosophy and theology. His two most famous works date from this period: the Lettres provinciales and the Pensées, the former set in the conflict between Jansenists andJesuits. In this year, he also wrote an important treatise on the arithmetical triangle. Between 1658 and 1659 he wrote on the cycloid and its use in calculating the volume of solids.
In honor of his scientific contributions, the name Pascal has been given to the SI unit of pressure, to aprogramming language, and Pascal's law (an important principle of hydrostatics), and, Pascal's triangle and Pascal's wager still bear his name. Pascal continued to influence mathematics throughout his life. His Traité du triangle arithmétique("Treatise on the Arithmetical Triangle") of 1653 described a convenient tabular presentation for binomial coefficients, now called Pascal's triangle. The triangle can also be represented:
He invented a mechanic calculator which consists of wheels for his father who was an accounter in 1642 when he was only 18. He was accepted to Paris Mersenne Academy in with his father who was interested in maths. He was born in 19 july 1623, he died in 19 Agust 1662 . He was a genius who assorted himself in his early ages.
In 1642, while still a teenager, he started some pioneering work on calculating machines, and after three years of effort and 50 prototypes he invented the mechanical calculator.[He built twenty of these machines (called the Pascaline) in the following ten years.
When he was just 12 he had no knowledge about Geometry When he was just 12 he had no knowledge about Geometry. Eventhough, he drew circles and triangles. Also, he founded that, sum of the inner angles of a triangle is 360˚ when he had no knowledge on Geometry.
He defines the numbers in the triangle by recursion: Call the number in the (m+1)st row and (n+1)st column tmn. Then tmn = tm-1,n + tm,n-1, for m = 0, 1, 2... and n = 0, 1, 2... The boundary conditions are tm, −1 = 0, t−1, n for m = 1, 2, 3... and n = 1, 2, 3... The generator t00 = 1. Pascal concludes with the proof,
Pascal Triangle This triangle provide us to find the subsets of a set. s(A)=0............................................ ...............1 s(A)=1............................................ ............1.....1 s(A)=2............................................ .......1.....2.....1 s(A)=3............................................ ..1..+...3..+...3..+..1: 8 s(A)=4..........................................1. ....4.....6.....4.....1 s(A)=5......................................1..... 5.....10....10.....5....1 2^3:8 a set which has 3 elements has 8 subsets.
Works Pascal's major contribution to the philosophy of mathematics came with his De l'Esprit géométrique ("Of the Geometrical Spirit"), originally written as a preface to a geometry textbook for one of the famous "Petites-Ecoles de Port-Royal" ("Little Schools of Port-Royal").
References Wikipedia Google Images