Knowledge & Understanding of the World


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Presentation transcript:

Knowledge & Understanding of the World History and Geography Geography work will look at the four countries which make up the United Kingdom, understanding key geographical features traditions and differences. We will start with London to link the two topic areas of the Great Fire of London to investigate our key questions of “ What should we remember in the UK? “ We will also touch on Remembrance Day. English Across this half term in Literacy, we are looking at a range of stories to excite the imagination of the children who will learn, re-tell and change them to create their own versions of the story. In poetry writing, we will look at describing by comparing animals to other animals using adjectives. We will then begin a fiction unit using the well known tale Meerkat Mail, which is a story about a Meerkat who undertakes journeys, only to find that the best place is home. The theme of this book is journeys which we will write our own stories about. We will also use the theme of letters and writing addresses We will post a letter home, just like the Meerkat and write non-fiction texts about his destinations. We will go on a local walk and use this to write a recount. Mathematical world In maths we will be covering the following areas: Number and Place Value: to recognise number sequences and read and write 2 digit numbers.. Addition & Subtraction:. Recognise number bonds to 10 20 and 100 and use them to help them solve addition and subtraction problems Measures, Capacity & Volume + Temperature: Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure. Fractions: Know ½, ¾, ¼ of numbers and work out equivalence of fractions. Geometry, Position & Direction: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement. Geometry, 2D & 3D Shapes: Compare and sort common 2D and 3D shapes and everyday objects Year 2 Knowledge & Understanding of the World Science In science we will look at animals including humans. We will look at baby animals using the grouping mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds. We will look at how all of these baby animals change as they grow. We will also look at human nutrition, healthy eating and teeth. We will also be looking at animals habitats which will link t our topic our Meercat Mail. We will also look at animals including humans, investigating the lifecycles. The Physical World In PE we will be learning the skills of educational dance. Thinking about rhythm, movement and working in groups. The children will evaluate their own, and others performances, and give supportive feedback. We will look at the skills used for net and wall games including throwing, catching and defending RE & PSHE In RE this half term we will continue to be learning about the religion of Islam Our PSHE work will help the children to use restorative approaches to problems and disagreements. Computing In Computing, the children will develop word-processing skills, skills in combining images and text and in using digital photography to take, select and import images Music In Music this half term, we are learning about the music from various countries around the world to reflect our text Meerkat Mail. Art & DT Our artist of focus will be Margaret Mee and the children will use her watercolour techniques to paint plants which are symbols of the UK – daffodils for Wales, a thistle for Scotland, a rose for England and a shamrock for Ireland .

Thorn Grove Primary School Information & reminders for parents: Dear Parents, Welcome back to the most festive time of year! The second half of Autumn term is always hectic with preparations for our production underway. We still have lots of learning to do and you can support your children by using the online resources available. To recap these are: times table rockstar, abacus, bug club and mymaths if you need logins for these please ask. This term PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursday. Please make sure your child has a black, grey or navy top in school and warm outdoor clothing and footwear. Homework is listed on the half termly grid which is stuck into each child's homework book. Please give homework in on a Wednesday and children will take their book home on a Friday. Children should be working to earn their bronze certificate for their reading passport and times table award and their level certificate in spelling. They will be assessed weekly on their times tables and spelling and points for reading passports will be given when your child brings in their books to share. Kind regards, Miss Gardner and Mrs Sinclair Year 2 Newsletter Thorn Grove Primary School