Digit as a new rule Clear and honest principles. digital leadership © Tõnu Runnel digital leadership once-only digital by default truth-by-design open internet 6. Principles of Estonian e-governance Technology or money is not the solution – It is important to understand that besides technological knowledge or financial resources, one of the most important key elements of building up an e-state and information society is the strong existence of digital leadership. Once-only – The data are only collected once by one specific institution, eliminating duplicate data and bureaucracy (e.g. the need to file the same data for different public institutions several times). Digital-by-default – It is always a priority to fill and file documents digitally and work continuously on automating public services. Even terminology in our legislation today refers to digital information (not only information on “paper”). Meanwhile, the digital society has no legacy, meaning that there is a continuous legal change and organic improvement of the technology and law. Transparency-by-design – All the data exchanges, M2M communications, data at rest, and log files are independently and fully accountable. With deployed secure solution, history cannot be rewritten by anybody and the authenticity of the electronic data can be mathematically proven. It means that no-one – not hackers, not system administrators, and not even the government itself – can manipulate the data and get away with it. Open internet (or platform) – Any institution can use the infrastructure and it works as an open source. There’s no central database and every stakeholder, whether it is a government (all levels) department, a ministry or a business, gets to choose its own system in its own time. However, all the elements in the system are able to exchange data securely and work smoothly together.
Smartest-future Mobility, accuracy, security self-driven vehicle © Ajujaht The first self-driving bus in July 2017 – In March 2017, Estonia made it legal to test self-driven vehicles on all national and local roads in the country. We believe that the self-driving technology helps improve road safety and road use efficiency. Work is underway to create a full legal and cyber-risk management framework for using fully autonomous vehicles in regular road and traffic conditions. However, since July 2017, all guests arriving in Estonia for the EU presidency can enjoy self-driving buses that take them to the main HQ of the EU Presidency events in Tallinn. Starship door-to-door robot transport – the co-founders of Skype (of Estonian origin) have started up Starship Technologies, which aims to fundamentally reshape how goods are shipped and delivered. The Starship fleet provides door-to-door autonomous robot transport that is designed to deliver goods locally in 15–30 minutes within a 3 km radius. The robots drive autonomously, but are monitored by humans who can take over control at any time. Zero-bureaucracy: invisible services – Successful countries need to be ready to experiment. Building e-Estonia as one of the most advanced e-societies in the world has involved continuous experimentation and learning from our mistakes. Estonia sees the natural next step in the evolution of the e-state as moving basic services into a fully digital mode. This means that things can be done for citizens automatically and in that sense invisibly. For example: when a child is born, data on that child moves automatically from the hospital database to the Population Register without the need to complete any paperwork. Real-time economy – Our goal is move forward and bring online e-services to the new level, while automating them. This means that besides submitting tax claims online, when making online salary payments, taxes will be simultaneously paid in real-time and this way there is no waiting for the report or bank transfer to be completed. self-driven vehicle door-to door robot transport zero-bureaucracy: invisible services real-time economy
smartest-future is here! Спасибо за внимание! Янек Розов Дигитальных дел мастер © Johannes Arro Chief Digital Officer (Deputy CIO) Government CIO Office | Janek.Rozov@mkm.ee | +372 625 6364 |+372 53 27 695