Figure 1 Tropical sprue and PI-IBS Figure 1 | Tropical sprue and PI-IBS. a | Outcomes of acute infectious gastroenteritis. Although 80–90% of patients recover completely, 10–20% continue to have bowel dysfunction either due to post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) or post-infectious malabsorption syndrome, also known as tropical sprue (TS). Tests for mucosal malabsorption (D-xylose, faecal fat level estimation, vitamin B12 absorption and endoscopic duodenal biopsy) are needed to differentiate between these two conditions. Whereas in PI-IBS these tests would be normal, at least two of these tests would be abnormal in patients with tropical sprue. b | Number of publications per year on PI-IBS and tropical sprue from 1928 to 2016. PubMed searches were performed using the terms “tropical sprue” and “PI IBS”. Although the number of publications on tropical sprue has declined in the past decades, there has been a corresponding increase in publications on PI-IBS. Ghoshal, U. C. & Gwee, K.-A. (2017) Post-infectious IBS, tropical sprue and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: the missing link Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. doi:10.1038/nrgastro.2017.37