1/14/2019 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Moderate Rate Options for TG4a] Date Submitted: [16 November 2005] Source: [Ismail Lakkis] Company [novowave Voice:[+1 858 642 9114], E-Mail: [ilakkis@novowave.com] Abstract: [Moderate Rate Options for TG4a] Purpose: [Assist the group in the selection of a coding scheme] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
Agenda Mandatory Mode Optional Moderate data rate mode Modulation 1/14/2019 Agenda Mandatory Mode Modulation Coding Optional Moderate data rate mode Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
Mandatory Mode Modulation & Coding 1/14/2019 Mandatory Mode Modulation & Coding Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
1/14/2019 Modulation Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
Coding Reed Solomon Primitive polynomial: Generator polynomial: 1/14/2019 Coding Reed Solomon Primitive polynomial: Generator polynomial: Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
1/14/2019 Modulation Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
Coding Reed Solomon Primitive polynomial: Generator polynomial: 1/14/2019 Coding Reed Solomon Primitive polynomial: Generator polynomial: Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
1/14/2019 Soft Decisions Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
Optional Moderate Data Rate Mode Modulation & Coding 1/14/2019 Optional Moderate Data Rate Mode Modulation & Coding Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
1/14/2019 Modulation Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
Coding Reed Solomon Primitive polynomial: Generator polynomial: 1/14/2019 Coding Reed Solomon Primitive polynomial: Generator polynomial: Ismail Lakkis (novowave)
Modulation & Coding options 1/14/2019 Modulation & Coding options Data Rate (MHz) Common mode Tslot Tsymbol #active pulses per slot Viterbi RS 26.03 N 32.4 ns 64.8ns 1 Y 12.97 6.49 2 3.24 4 1.62 8 Ismail Lakkis (novowave)