Mission Statements Tom Holland
What is a Mission Statement? A brief summary of the purpose for which the organization exists, its reason for being. It specifies the ends sought, not the means for getting there. It identifies what the organization aspires to be and to attain. It provides distinctions for this organization and boundaries for it. It allows people to understand quickly what the organization stands for, why it is important.
A good mission statement is Brief, succinct (no more than a couple of lines) Focused on the main purpose for which the organization exists Inspiring, motivating, calling us to a visionary purpose Memorable, easy to explain and remember Serves as the foundation for setting goals and priorities
Examples The mission of the Hearing Clinic is to restore connections with the world to those whose hearing is diminishing. The mission of the Forest Hills Retirement Center is to sustain the dignity and health of people in retirement. The mission of the Atlanta History Center is to enable people to connect with the past so as to understand the present and plan for the future. The mission of the Children’s Center is to prepare children for success in school. The Open Hand Agency restores people to satisfying, productive and self-sufficient lives.
What is the Mission of ICC? The mission of ICC is to inspire hope and strengthen life skills among AHA residents. Toward that end, it Builds strong family relationships Helps people prepare for gainful employment Engages them in civic leadership Enables them to move into their own homes ? Exercise What is the basic purpose(s) of ICC? What should be emphasized? How to word a mission statement so it is brief and focused, inspiring and memorable?