How to give a scientific presentation? 14.01.2019 How to give a scientific presentation? Uwe Stilla
Outline Preparing for your presentation Giving the presentation Performing the discussion Formal aspects Evaluation
1 Preparing for your presentation Collecting material Reading publications Sorting topics Selecting facts and figures Forming the story Transforming content Designing slides Estimating presentation duration Practice your presentation Takes time to prepare a prentation Conferences presentation take me 3-4 hours, for 10 minutes. Takes longer when you are new
Contact your supervisor Search in Internet Which search engine ? 1.1 Collecting material Contact your supervisor Search in Internet Which search engine ? Check different material Journals, proceedings, newspaper ... Books, reports, theses (PHD, MSc) ... Publicity material Videos Make a list of your references Note all required information for citation What is required ?
1.2 Reading publications Read title Read abstract Check images and figures Read introduction Read conclusion Read entire text, ignore formulas Read entire document (with formulas) Read again
1.3 Sorting topics Identify the abstraction level Overview ? Detailed description ? Identify the type Method ? Application ? Identify the impact Nice to know ? High impact ?
1.4 Selecting content, facts and figures Consider your audience Think about following questions Who am I addressing? What do I have to say? What do I want my audience to know? What would my audience want to know? Which facts are important in context of your topic? Which figures support very strong your arguments?
1.5 Forming the story Tell a story ! Make a logical structure that is similar to a good story. Beginning: context of presentation Body: develop main points. Conclusion: summarize main points, take home message.
1.6 Transforming content Talk in “spoken English” style, not in “written English” style
1.7 Designing slides (1) You do not need to use full or wordy sentences because they can become very, very long and make it much hard for the audience to follow. They also make it much for difficult for you to quickly look at if you need a reminder of where you are at. Don’t use full or wordy sentences. Harder for the audience to follow. Harder for you to use as a reminder. Starting with the verb can help. Layout, see: 4 Formal aspects
1.7 Designing slides (2) Make sure tables, pictures, and graphs can be read. Titles on graphs and tables must be readable at back of room. Number must also be readable
1.7 Designing slides (3) Tables/Pictures You can make them inside PowerPoint. You can make them in excel and copy and paste. You can bring them in as an object. You could scan them, then make a hyperlink to the document.
1.8 Estimating presentation duration Split the presentation in 2-4 blocks Present actively your talk (loud, standing) Measure the time you need for each block Redesign the presentation (hide slides) Note the time for 1-2 key slides Insert emergency jumps
1.9 Practice your presentation Present parts of your presentation multiple times Improve formulation and wording Present the entire final presentation in front of some class mates ... or ... in front of a mirror
2 Giving the presentation How to speak Communicate with audience Body posture
2.1 How to speak Speak slowly and clearly. Try not to say “äh”, “so”, “ummm” “jagenau” or other time fillers too much. We all do it, it takes practice Try to avoid reading directly from your slides Speaking instead of just reading enables you to involve the audience
2.2 Communicate with audience Look at the audience Try to look at everyone, not just one corner of the room. If you are nervous pick some spots at the back of the room above people’s heads. Be enthusiastic Vary the tone of your voice. Use humor if it suits you, but don’t force it or over do it. Content is what matters.
2.3 Body posture Look friendly Stand open What not to do ? Turn your back on the audience Put your thumbs in your pockets Hit yourself or a table Cross your arms and take a star pose Tab your pen Stand on one leg or sit on the table Make a laser show with the pointer
3 Discussion Why is a discussion needed? Be prepared to answer questions from audience Don’t rate the quality of a question What to do when you haven’t understand the question? when you don’t know the answer? when a question allows answers in different directions?
4 Formal aspects Layout Citation Original statements ? Figures ? Images ? Maps ? Methods ? Math ?
5 Evaluation (2016 WS) (1)
5 Evaluation (2016 WS) (2) enlarged
5 Evaluation (2016 WS) (3) enlarged
Evaluation form – PSC (1)
Evaluation form – PSC (2)
Evaluation form – PSC (2)
References wikiHow to Give a Presentation Preparing a Good Presentation [access: 2017-OCT-23]