Stefan Koeberle Director Operations Services World Bank
A unique opportunity to work together Objectives A unique opportunity to work together Provide a platform for an exchange of regional good practices Explore ways to effectively implement priority reforms at the regional and national level Strengthen relations between national stakeholders and key international players Further the cooperation and harmonization of efforts among international organizations Build momentum for improved partnership among LCR countries in the fields of accounting and auditing
Sessions and Themes Importance of Reliable Accounting for Economic Development Globalization: The Impact on Financial Reporting and Auditing Accounting Standard-Setting Lessons from Accounting and Transparency Reform Financial Reporting and Taxation Accounting in SMEs Audit Regulation and Public Oversight Role of SAIs Accounting in SOEs Challenges in Public Sector Financial Reporting Building the Foundations of Accountability
Conference Outputs and Outcomes Establish a Working Group Publication and dissemination of all conference material throughout the region Identification of good practices and innovative approaches in LCR Harmonization and alignment with international standards Regional cooperation for financial reporting, accounting and auditing capacity development Facilitate implementation of accounting and auditing reforms