Optical measurement
Forward Scatter FSC Detector Laser Beam Original from Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
Side Scatter FSC Detector Collection Lens SSC Detector Laser Beam Original from Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
Identifying Cells By Scatter Light Analysis
Excitation- 488nm Excitation- 520nm FITC
Identifying Cells By Single Color Analysis
Spectral overlap Ex 488nm
Compensation Fluorochromes typically fluoresce over a large part of the spectrum (100nm or more) Depending on filter arrangement, a detector may see some fluorescence from more than 1 fluorochrome. (referred to as bleed over) You need to “compensate” for this bleed over so that 1 detector reports signal from only 1 fluorochrome
Data Analysis
Nozzel & sheath pressure Sort Gate Sort mode
Interrogation Charging the stream Droplet formation Electrical plates Attraction Waste aspirator Collection
Yield sort sort abort Purity