Eurostat E-1 - Structural Statistics, Agriculture Land Use/Cover Area Frame Statistical Survey The redefined LUCAS Grid First experiences with the European grid P. Jacques Eurostat E-1 - Structural Statistics, Agriculture
What is LUCAS A point frame survey to : Obtain harmonised data at EU25 level on: Land Use and Cover Environmental features Using a common methodology-nomenclature ensuring full comparability of results Obtain early estimates of areas (main crops) Analyse interaction agriculture-environment-landscape (multi-purpose survey)
The LUCAS Grid 2001-2003 10.000 PSU 10 SSU 300 m
The Projection
LUCAS (2001-2003) - Problems Accuracy of estimates: categories of main interest (such as cereals, arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops, forests, urban areas, inland waters) should be provided with precision not larger than 2%; Sampling plan: options taken for the projection of the grid has caused accuracy and positioning problems. Comparability of some of the gathered environmental parameters is not ensured as well as land use/land cover data Cost of the surveys is still very high and more specifically for phase II. Timeliness : The results of ground surveys often arrived late (end August/September)
Context Moving from 15 to 25 MS. LUCAS : a survey for providing data at EU level (possibility to personnalise to MS’ needs). Operational survey in Italy (Istat), Experiments in Greece (JRC) INSPIRE : Results of the grid workshop Reform of the CAP, more interest in Environment, sustainable agriculture
Elements to be improved Projection Grid Precision of the survey Sampling Scheme Stratification Surveyed variables/procedures Informatics Quality of the survey
Photo-Interpretation New Process 1.000.000 points Photo-Interpretation Stratum Points Arable uuuuu Water xxxxxx Artificial yyyyyy Wooded zzzzz Sampling 250.000 points Survey Compute statistics
The new projection (LAEA)
The new Grid : 1 KM For clarity: 100 KM grid
Some Conclusions Grid has been created on 23 MS Survey 2005 Arc/info too limited to manage 4.000.000 points Difficult to have coverages providing necessary cartographic data at a high scale – NUTS, borders.. LAEA to be converted in local MS coordinates Points numbering not yet achieved Survey 2005 First try on LT, LV and PL Photo-interpretation on ~16000 points done in LV, Started in LT, post-stratification in PL. Survey 2006 P.I. on 23 MS will start on 1/4/05 on ~1.000.000 points Difficulty to get access to orthophotos