Instructions Copy each statement into your notebook. After you copy each statement, choose whether you agree or disagree. For the purpose of this activity, the fence should not be an option. Write your answer in your notebook along with a detailed explanation – support for your position. Be thorough, honest, and introspective in your responses. Work quickly – You will have about 90 seconds to write out support for your position.
Wealth Wealthy people should not be able to buy opportunities that others do not have access to.
Commercialism When running a business maximizing profit should be the most important objective.
Money When money is involved, people lose their ability to make sound judgements.
Goals The journey, the experience, and what you learn is more important than actually achieving your goals.
It’s All Team? Taking care of others who are less prepared and/or less experienced is the responsibility of the more prepared and/or more experienced.
If other lives are in potential danger, people should risk their own lives to help them. Helping Others