Quantum Model of Atom
Energy levels (shells) are divided into sublevels (subshells). Electrons are found in orbitals in these sublevels.
Orbital – the three dimensional area around the nucleus where a particular electron can be found. Each orbital can hold two electrons
Principle Quantum Number TELLS YOU WHAT SHELL AN ORBITAL IS IN n=6 n=5 n=4 n=3 Energy n=2 n = 1 V.Montgomery & R.Smith
Each shell (level) has sublevels. Different types of sublevels: s,p,d,f
s orbital One s orbital per shell
p orbitals Three p orbitals per shell starting with 2nd shell.
p orbitals first appear in the 2nd shell
Five d orbitals per shell starting with 3rd shell
d orbitals 1st appear in the 3rd shell
Aufbau Principle – electrons fill the lowest energy orbitals first.
Sublevel filling order: