Without using a calculator! Guestimate that side Take your best guess at figuring out the RED side in question Without using a calculator! Number a piece of paper 1 to 5 Record your answers on a piece of paper
1 100 N 75 N 150 250
2 100 N 75 N 150 250
3. 200 N 500
4. 200 N 500
5. 350 50 N
Add up all your numbers ignoring negatives
42.3 1 100 N 75 N 150 250
72.4 2 100 N 75 N 150 250
128.6 3. 200 N 500
153.2 4. 200 N 500
28.7 5. 350 50 N
42.3 + 72.4 + 128.6+153.2 + 28.7=
42.3 + 72.4 + 128.6+153.2 + 28.7= 425.2 Who is the closest?