Plo: from a Student's perspective NIDSWP: September 2017
Overview Outline of Placement Learning Opportunity (PLO) Positive Outcomes from PLO Learning points for future PLO Degree Learning and preparation for PLO Organizational change from a student's perspective
Outline of plo Extern: 'Linx' Project
Positive outcomes from PLO Change in attitude towards the voluntary sector Deeper understanding of the 'Social Work Role' Challenge in ethics and values: Establishing my own values Practice Teacher professional relationship
LEARNING POINTS FOR FUTURE plo Embrace the pace Competition on call back days Importance of self-care
Degree learning and Preparation for Practice
Degree Learning and pREParation FOR pRACTICE: suggestions for future learning. Supervision: It's not as complicated as it seems! Long arm vs On Site Practice Teacher Power Imbalance between voluntary and statutory social workers. Self-care: Workshops
Organizational cHANGE: a sTUDENT'S pERSPCTIVE
EXTERN IFSS: Learning from a student's perspective Fellow Students experience of Organizational Change Instability of voluntary sector and the frustrations Austerity and the impact on real people