Special Course Fees
Special Course Fees, System Policy UW System Policy 825 825 includes an appendix which has a “shall not” list. Policy requires document course fee approval by the Chancellor or designee. Policy requires an internal audit of fees and expenditures.
Special Course Fees, System Policy UW System Policy 825 Special course fees are for certain instructional costs not covered by the regular instructional budget. Fees are for a special experience or a tangible product retained by the student. Student’s must be given notice of the fee.
Special Course Fee Approval Process Application by Faculty Dean’s Approval Controller Review for Compliance Provost Approval
Special Course Fee Implementation Notification of approval given to Bursar, Registrar, College, and Department Registrar updates course information to give notice to students Bursar sets course fee in SIS, maps fee to accounting string Revenue as collected is distributed to departmental fund
Special course fee monitoring Department’s shall monitor revenue and expenditures for special course fees and contact the Bursar with any questions. Periodic audits of special course fees are done by Finance & Administration, Dean’s office, UW System, Legislative Audit Bureau, and outside auditors to ensure compliance.
Special Course Fee Form Instructions Please use data from TitanWeb to fill in the form. Example of class data from TitanWeb below. Course Title: Ecosphere in Crisis Subject: Biology Catalog No.: 104 Course ID: 001305 Session: 14W, 7W1, 7W2
Special Course Fee Form Instructions Total Special Course Fee Amount: Round the special course fee to the nearest whole dollar. Indicate flat or per credit fee. Example: $5 flat Department/Org. Which Fee Should be Deposited: Please consult with your Unit Business Officer to get this account number Example: 136-301200
Special Course Fee Form Instructions Reason for Special Course Fee or Increase: Narrative should show the special student experience that will come from the fee. Narrative should outline the types of expenditures in detail. Narrative may include the budget if simple, attach a budget if more complex. Compare the narrative to the policy. Make sure nothing on the “shall not” list is in the narrative.
Special Course Fee Form Instructions Budget The budget should include anticipated revenue and expenses. The budget should support the proposed fee and only include expenses within policy. Example: Expenses (per year) 2 bus trips: $1,000 Admission: $1,760 Total: $2,760 Revenue (per year) Avg. Enrollment: 80 Cost per Student: $34.50 Fee: $35.00
Please contact the Bursar with questions. Jean Wolfgang 920-424-1442 wolfganj@uwosh.edu https://uwosh.edu/finance-administration/financial-services/forms/