16 Liaison Ad-Hoc May Agenda doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0648r1r0 May 2008 16 Liaison Ad-Hoc May Agenda Date: 2008-05-15 Authors: D. Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks
May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0648r1r0 May 2008 Abstract This document contains the agenda and motions (if any) of the May 2008 .16 Liaison Ad-Hoc Meeting. D. Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks
Agenda Call Meeting to Order May 2008 Agenda Call Meeting to Order Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder Review received Liaison request See http://ieee802.org/16/liaison/docs/L80216-08_019.pdf Discuss potential responses Liaison Response Letter Future Activities As needed, potential joint session in July D. Stanley, Aruba Networks
Policy Reference Documents May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0648r1r0 May 2008 Policy Reference Documents Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder, see https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/file/08/11-08-0058-00-0000-opening-network-information-attendance-and-documentation-for-january-2008-session.ppt **IEEE Patent Policy http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? Minute any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom. ***Affiliation FAQ - http://standards.ieee.org/faqs/affiliationFAQ.html Anti-Trust FAQ - http://standards.ieee.org/resources/antitrust-guidelines.pdf Ethics - http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs/about/CoE_poster.pdf IEEE 802.11 Policies and Procedures - http://www.ieee802.org/11/DocFiles/06/11-06-0812-03-0000-802-11-policies-and-proceedures.htm IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures - http://www.ieee802.org/policies-and-procedures.pdf ** Read slide deck *** Note especially items #7 & #11 D. Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks
May 2008 Body of review Co-Chair reviews Liaision request, comes back the Active paragraph “The 802.16 Working Group authorizes its Chair to coordinate with the 802.11 and 802.15 Working Groups to identify interested participants and encourage interactions. We envision a simple email list getting started in the next few weeks and discussions shortly thereafter. We are open to teleconferences announced to that list as well.” Co-Chair reviews 802.11 e-mail list and teleconference policies and asks the sense of the room about open lists and minuted teleconferences. Steve Shellhammer, Chair of 802.19 TAG volunteers the use of the 802.19 e-mail list service. Co-Chair visits slides 20-27 of the November multi-radio coexistence tutorial. <http://ieee802.org/802_tutorials/nov07/IEEE-multi-radio-coex-tutorial.ppt> Chair shows 08/0686r0 Liaison Response to March 08 liaison 16, and we expand it to be the joint 802.11/15 response, then it is uploaded to the 802.11 server. D. Stanley, Aruba Networks
May 2008 11/15 Response to Liaison Motion: Move to approve 08/0686r0 March 08 Liaison Response – Coexistence Liaison from 16 as the liaison response from IEEE 802.11 Working Group Mover: Peter Ecclesine Second: Steve Shellhammer No discussion Vote 7-0-0 Motion Passes D. Stanley, Aruba Networks
Attendees Chair Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks), May 2008 Attendees Chair Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks), Co-Chair Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Inc.), Necati Canpolat (Intel Corporation), Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm), John Barr (Motorola), Lars Falk (TeliaSonera), Donald Eastlake (Motorola), Fujio Watanabe (DoCoMo USA Labs), Bemini Henradige (Atheros), Jarath Peiris (Atheros) D. Stanley, Aruba Networks
References http://ieee802.org/16/liaison/docs/L80216-08_019.pdf May 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0648r1r0 May 2008 References http://ieee802.org/16/liaison/docs/L80216-08_019.pdf http://ieee802.org/802_tutorials/nov07/IEEE-multi-radio-coex-tutorial.ppt 11-08/0686r0 March 08 Liaison Response – Coexistence Liaison from 16 11-08/0692r0 ad hoc meeting minutes receiving L80216-08_109.doc (this document) D. Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks