Calentamiento: These are useful verbs for cooking Calentamiento: These are useful verbs for cooking. What would their commands look like? Write down their translations! Abrir – to open Añadir – to add Calentar – to heat up Stem change e->ie Cortar – to cut Mezclar – to mix Sacar – to take out
REVIEW: Forming commands To form affirmative informal commands of regular or stem-changing verbs, use the same form as “el / ella / usted”. Context will let us know if it’s a command or not. Ella escucha a la musica rock. She listens to rock music. Escucha! Listen!
REVIEW: Forming commands Verb: hablar (to talk) Command: Habla! (Talk!) Verb: comer (to eat) Command Come! (Eat!) Verb: escribir (to write) Escribe! (Write!) Verb: almorzar (to eat lunch) Command: Almuerza! (Eat lunch!) Verb: entender (to understand) Command Entiende! (Understand!) Verb: dormir (to sleep Duerme! (Sleep!) These are all stem-changing verbs! Don’t forget to stem-change!
Calentamiento: These are useful verbs for cooking Calentamiento: These are useful verbs for cooking. What would their commands look like? Abrir – to open Añadir – to add Calentar – to heat up Stem change e->ie Cortar – to cut Mezclar – to mix Sacar – to take out Abre! Añade! Calienta! Corta! Mezcla! Saca!
REVIEW: Irregular commands Some verbs do not follow the rule we just learned. They have irregular commands. Tener – Ten! Have! Ser – Sé! Be! (permanent) Venir – Ven! Come! Hacer – Haz! Do! / Make! Poner – Pon! Put! Salir – Sal! Go out! / Leave! Ir – Ve! Go! Estar – Esté! Be! temporary
El Día de San Valentín
Direct objects and Direct Object Pronouns We often use direct objects and direct object pronouns when giving instructions. A direct object is the person or thing receiving the action of the verb. Yo pido la sopa. I order the soup. What is the action? -ordering What is being orderd? -the soup
Direct object pronouns To avoid repeating a direct object in a sentence or a command, we can replace it with a direct object pronoun. Direct object pronouns must match the noun they replace in gender and number. Yo pido la sopa. (I order the soup.) Yo la pido. (I order it.) What takes the place of “la sopa”? -la / it What is the action? -ordering I have used these before! What is being orderd? -the soup
Direct object pronouns Direct object pronouns are: me nos te os lo la los las I have used these before!
Direct object pronouns Direct object pronouns go before conjugated verbs. Yo cocino la cena. (I cook the dinner) Yo la cocino. (I cook it.) Direct object pronouns attach to infinitive verbs. Me gusta cocinar la cena. (I like to cook dinner.) Me gusta cocinarla. (I like to cook it.) Direct object pronouns attach to commands. ¡Cocina la cena! (Cook dinner!) ¡Cocínala! (Cook it!) I have used these before!
Practiquemos ¿Quién abre la lata (can)? ¿Quién calienta el horno? Yo __________ abro. ¿Quién calienta el horno? Mi madre _________ calienta. ¿Quién mezcla las ensaladas? Nosotros __________ mezclamos. ¿Quién sirve los refrescos? Ellos __________ sirven.