College info – 10,000 annually, 57% of our enrollment is online College info – 10,000 annually, 57% of our enrollment is online. 12 centers across the state spanning campuses with just 200 students to our largest campus with 2500 students. 100% part time faculty. We also do not require service leaning nor do we have a department of service and civic advancement. No budget for SL projects. Demographic info – once the richest community in the state and central manufacturing hub lost business and thousands of jobs over the past 15 years. Increase in opioid abuse (Shumlin’s state address) drug traffic, violence, murders. History of SL experience
Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Project Action Photo voice – participatory photography with manual Local photographer The project and partners Partnership with Project ACTION, a grassroots initiative which began organizing in response to drug, violence, and quality of life concerns in Springfield Vermont.
Pare Model for Service Learning Preparation – community need, possible outcomes, resources, student understanding, student and community partner expectations and assumptions Action – What the service will look like? Is the organization the best fit for my course and/or students Reflection – get students thinking critically about their experience, challenge attitudes, beliefs and assumptions, and nurture a broader awareness of an issue. Why? Evaluation – How successful was the project for the students, organization, people who use the organization? Consider changes to improve overall success.
Results: Students took the lead Partners would only interact virtually Students enhanced project to go virtual Camera phones were used Meet the artist event Springfield Voices ongoing project
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PhotoVoice is now a community-wide effort PhotoVoice is now a community-wide effort! Please be a part of this collection of images by using our hashtag when you post photos of what "Springfield community" means to you!
Best practices moving forward Start small Have a back up plan Embrace the use of digital tools in service learning for increased flexibility and access Strive to include students in the planning and implementation of the project Incorporate digital SL projects into fully online courses Back up plan – support creativity and development of the project and student leadership but have a solid foundation to work from.
Sources: “From Snapshot to Civic Action” A Photovoice Facilitator’s Manual, Developed by Meredith Powers, Darcy Freedman, & Ronald Pinter. University of South Carolina, College of Social Work. “Photovoice: Concept, Methodology, and Use for Participatory Needs Assessment”. Caroline Wang and Mary Ann Burris, 1997 The Photovoice Manual - content/uploads/2014/09/PV_Manual.pdf