EU WORKSHOP ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS AND CONSUMER SURVEYS Likely impact of FRIBS on the implementation of the BCS Programme Katarzyna Walkowska, Central Statistical Office of Poland EU WORKSHOP ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS AND CONSUMER SURVEYS Brussels, 13-14 November 2014
FRIBS Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics (FRIBS) Aims: consistency business register as a backbone information on globalisation Entry into force – 2017/2018
Statistical unit in the business tendency surveys Legal unit New definition of Enterprise Kind of Activity Unit (KAU) Profiling Sampling Respondent Up-to-date information on the enterprise Consolidation
Weighting NACE Rev. 2 Size classes SBS legal unit enterprise
Comparability of results in time Business cycle analysis Seasonal adjustment Backcasting
Comparability with results of other surveys STS National accounts
Access to business registers National Statistical Instuitutes Other institutes Access to: business register EuroGroup Register
Summary BTS – what statistical unit? Feasibility enterprise legal unit Feasibility Influence of changes in FRIBS significant? negligible?