Expert Group on Reporting Nature Directives , Brussels


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Presentation transcript:

Expert Group on Reporting Nature Directives 22.3.2012, Brussels Natura 2000 dataflow Sabine Roscher

Natura 2000 SDF Software …

Enhancements Natura 2000 SDF Software v. 2 New version has been uploaded on 19. March 2012 Some bug fixes and several enhancements: Import Tool works properly for Access 2003 or higher. Export also possible if the data is not fully compliant with the schema or if not all mandatory field are filled in Alphabetical order for the species list Birds Editor Import single site from Access Database or xml

Enhancements Natura 2000 SDF software v. 2.0 Print each SDF by means of html files. Control system for the edition process: Users are notified which sites have been updated and when. Show how many sites are in the SDF Manager and how many are filtered. Enable the use of a remote MySQL database. Icons for mandatory fields

Overview time plan transition to new SDF End of Phase 1 of the transition period: all Member States have provided their Natura 2000 databases in the new format End September 2012 End of Phase 2 of the transition period: all Member States have updated their SDFs to the state of knowledge / best available information End of 2015

Natura 2000 User-Manual updated 13. March 2012 overview changes: An explanatory note explaining the changes occurring in the database .. as compared to the previous database delivery. A single dataset containing separate shapefiles for the SCI and SPA layers is acceptable, under the condition that C-category sites ...are not provided twice. In order to minimise the risk of potential coordinate transformation errors in further data processing, countries are encouraged to deliver their GIS data in an ETRS89 (or WGS84) based coordinate reference system, where feasible. The consistency of data from different regions (e.g. no overlap), particularly in the case of Member States with federal structure, must be ensured.

Natura 2000 viewer covers all MS – incl. Austria (asap) Shift-problem in spatial data improved

Assessment of the sufficiency of the SCI network for species and habitat types: Database end of 2010 Sufficiency assessment based on end of 2010 DB Terrestrial species & habitat types (27 MS) Marine species & habitat types (22 MS) Code Sufficient designation of sites 5694 83,6% 89 35,3% SUF Minor Insufficiency: Natura 2000 site SDF(s) to be completed 328 4,8% 23 9,1% IN MIN Moderate insufficency: additional site(s) must be designated 453 6,6% 82 32,5% IN MOD Major Insufficiency: no sites so far 16 0,2% 7 2,8% IN MAJ Scientific Reserve: further inventories required 243 3,6% 32 12,7% SR Scientific Reserve to the Reference List (occurence uncertain) / Others 81 1,2% 19 7,5% SR ref List / Others Total 6815 100% 252  

Sufficiency of the European Natura 2000 network – terrestrial part (assessments for species and habitat type) SR: Scientific reserve, further inventories required IN MAJ: Major insufficiency IN MOD: Moderate insufficiency IN MIN: Minor insufficiency SUF: Sufficient designation of sites

Sufficiency of the European Natura 2000 network – terrestrial part (assessments for species and habitat type) SR: Scientific reserve, further inventories required IN MAJ: Major insufficiency IN MOD: Moderate insufficiency IN MIN: Minor insufficiency SUF: Sufficient designation of sites

Sufficiency of the European Natura 2000 network – marine part (assessments for species and habitat type) SR: Scientific reserve, further inventories required IN MAJ: Major insufficiency IN MOD: Moderate insufficiency IN MIN: Minor insufficiency SUF: Sufficient designation of sites

Evolution compared to previous year (Database 2009) (terrestrial and marine species & habitat types)