Volunteer & Teacher Online Registration JA Engage
Register for your account Go to https://engage.ja.org/ (Make sure the site is Junior Achievement of the Space Coast) Click on Register, in the top right of the page Make sure to check the box for “I am a Volunteer, Teacher, or Parent”. You can choose more than one option if applicable. Fill out the form with your first and last name, email address, and password Click Register, then the system will send you a confirmation email. Once you confirm the email, you can continue signing up with additional information like your mailing address, phone numbers and volunteer preferences. For teachers- you can add your classroom request and the school you work for. Please note- if you are a previous volunteer or teacher with us, your information may already be in the system when you log in for the first time. (records are tied to your email address) Please feel free to update your information for us so that we stay in touch with you! Overview 2
Register for your account Please check “I am a Volunteer, Educator, JA Alumni, or Parent. You can choose more than one if it is applicable. Enter your first and last name, email address, and choose a password. Click the Register button. 3
Sign in to your account You should have received an email with a confirmation link. When you click on this link to confirm creating an account, you will be directed to the sign in page. Please use your email and the password that you created to sign in. 4
Welcome Screen Each welcome screen will be personalized to the user. 5
Update or Add personal information Hover over your name in the top right corner of the page and you have a choice to view “My Account” or “My Affiliations”. This information can be edited as needed. 6
Volunteer Opportunities Click on the tab for Volunteer and view the current volunteer opportunities. These can be searched for in a variety of ways- by zip code, school name, or the interactive map. 7
Your Sign up Page Classes you’re teaching- this tab is for teachers who have requested a class to be filled by a volunteer Classes you’re volunteering In- this tab is for volunteers who have signed up for a class ****Please note you may only see one of these tabs depending on your profile 8
Teacher Request Teachers who want to request a class to be filled by a volunteer can fill out this form for staff approval. Please fill out all required fields. 9
Teacher Request Teacher Request- please fill out as much of the optional information as you can. This information will be viewable to volunteers online so they can determine if your class will fit into their schedule. 10
Help Tab Lots of wonderful FAQ- a tab for volunteers and a tab for teachers. 11
Thank you for engaging with us!