Antihyperglycemic Therapy
The Link Between Diabetes and CVD
DPP-4 Inhibitors Demonstrated CV Safety
SAVOR-TIMI 53, EXAMINE, and TECOS First Hospitalization for Heart Failure
Heart Failure in the SAVOR-TIMI 53 Trial
Saxagliptin and Alogliptin Risk for Heart Failure
ELIXA: Lixisenatide
LEADER: Liraglutide
SUSTAIN-6: Semaglutide*
Making Sense of the CVOT Data
DPP-4 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for T2D
Clinical Applicability of CVOT Data
Renal Glucose Handling
EMPA-REG OUTCOME: Empagliflozin Cardiovascular Outcomes and Death From Any Cause
Empagliflozin New FDA Indication and Patient Education
IRIS: Pioglitazone
Metformin As First-Line Therapy in Patients With T2D
Patient Case Study
2016 ESC Heart Failure Guidelines and ADA 2017 Update
Cardiologists and Endocrinologists Working Together to Lower HbA1c
Trends in Diabetes-Related Complications Among Adults With Diabetes, 1990-2010
Proposed Pleiotropic CV Effects of SGLT-2 Inhibitors
Proposed Pleiotropic CV Effects of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists
Closing Comments
Abbreviations (cont)