Ryan McLean John-Michael Mulesa Joe Perrin Zach Schoenberger
[Overview] Components most likely to fail Criticality Examples FMECA Excerpt
[Components Most Likely to Fail] Atmel Atxmega16D4 Our microprocessor Tied for most complex part on our board Telit GM862/GPS Our GSM/GPS unit Equal in complexity to a microcontroller Murata Power Supply Supplies power for PCB
[Criticality Examples] High Criticality Laser based projector capable of damaging eye Broken nose from flying unit during car collision Medium Criticality Overvoltage on power supply input Low Criticality Webserver failed to start, restart required
[FMECA Excerpt] Failure No. Failure Mode Possible Causes Failure Effects Method of Detection Criticality Remarks B1 Input voltage = 0 Voltage spike causes protection diode to fail UI will not have any data to display Observation Medium Diode failing to a short would cause the fuse to fail, both would need to be replaced B2 Output of power supply < 3.5 A resistor setting the output voltage fails to a short GSM unit will not function below 3.4V, other peripherals will fail if voltage drops further than that. Resistor would need to be replaced B3 Output of power supply > 3.5 A resistor setting the output voltage fails to an open Compass/Microcontroller/Accelerometer could be damaged due to overvolting. Will cause UI to go to fail screen or display incorrect data Ics might have to be replaced C1 Stop receiving commands from ARM USB to USART IC failure UI goes to failure screen IC would have to be replaced
[Summary] Components most likely to fail Criticality Examples FMECA Excerpt