Postmodernism in “Nice Work” and the “Reluctant Fundamentalist”
Postmodernism in “the reluctant fundamentalist” Narrative technique: the use of a dramatic monologue allows the narrator to tell the story form his point of view. The reader becomes the listener of the story. Faction: The story is a clear fiction but it takes part during a real age . In particular the novelist sets the story in 2001, the year of the attack on the “Twin Towers” Minimalism: the protagonist embodies the typical American-Pakistani who lives in New York Maximalism: there are many detailed and particular descriptions . Temporal distortion: there are many “flashbacks” about Changez’ life in the narration. Truth: there are no good values and bed values. Everything is relative, the world is impossible to strictly understand
Postmodernism in “Nice work” The plot: it is a pastiche, a work that imitates the style of other books and authors. Character: Lodge presents us Robyn Penrose, Temporary Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Rummidge. She is a feminist and she is presented through her actions, behaviors and words. Narrator: he is present in the story and participates with his comments. Theme: Penrose claims the parallelism between novel and capitalism, character and capitalist . There is also the theme about women’s role in society. Examples: there re many references to the characters of Charles Dickens’ work “Hard Times”. There are also many references to Industrial Revolution and typical buildings. Position: there are many point of views. The reader is left to decide whichever he prefers.