DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 17 March 2014 – 17 March 2017 TOTAL AMMOUNT OF THE PROJECT IN €: 1.210.809,00€
Do the Right(s) Thing Enhancing awareness among young Eurpeans on Human Rights, peace and development in the XXI century
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: To foster a culture supportive of human rights, peace and global development among younger Europeans in Italy, Croatia, and France, in order to build a more equitable future free from poverty and conflict. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: Increasing awareness and understanding among EU students aged 11-18 years, in Tuscany, Istria and Normandy, on how they can use thier views, voice and actions to promote human rights locally and globally.
Pupils and Students, Teachers, Local Authorities Policy Makers TARGET GROUPS: Pupils and Students, Teachers, Local Authorities Policy Makers FINAL BENEFICARIES: Adult citizens (particularly student’s families), CSO, schools, national education authorities
ESTIMATED RESULTS: 1. Students have increased their awareness about human rights having engaged with their peers across and outside the EU and better understand how their local actions can contribute to protect, promote and enhance human rights locally and globaly 2. Teachers from secondary schools in the three regions involved feel confident to teach about human rights issues in their classrooms 3. Local authorities in the countries involved have increased their capacity to design and promote joint actions that support and enhance human rights and actively challenge global poverty, trough an exchange of experiences and expertise
ACTIVITIES AIMED AT REACHING RESULT 1: 1.1. Educational activities in primary and secondary schools 1.2. Development of the online interactive platform and online exchange 1.3. HR Meeting
ACTIVITIES AIMED AT REACHING RESULT 2: 2.1. Writing, publication and disclosure of the dossier on HR 2.2. training of teachers and educators in the three countries (linked to 1.2.)
ACTIVITIES AIMED AT REACHING RESULT 3: 3.1. Democratic participation workshops for high schools; 3.2. Workshops among students and decision makers 3.3. National works-shop and trainings
International coordinator for Educational Activities, Oxfam Italia: Federica Cicala: federica.cicala@oxfam.it *** Educational Officer in FRANCE, 2idhp: Sarah Barnier-Leroy: sarah.barnier-leroy@2idhp.eu Educational Officer in CROATIA, Region of Istria: Ana Šimić: ana.simic@istra-istria.hr