EMREX - update 22.5.2018 Paris, April 20th, 2018
Background EU Erasmus+ project (2015-2017) DK, FI, NO, IT, PL, SE Secure and fast electronic transfer of achievement results User-driven approach to (my) data management (GDPR) Building block: uses local infrastructure, integration into other services and processes Standard data format for automation (ELMO)
The outcomes The EMREX project ended in 31 December 2017. The project delivered what it promised: the solution was piloted and is now in production The experiences from the field trial showed that the technical solution is easy to use, adaptable to different national contexts, and greatly appreciated by the students.
The EMREX User Group First Annual Assembly in Paris 17 April The EMREX User Group was formed to maintain, develop and support the EMREX solution on January 2018 in Stockholm. First Annual Assembly in Paris 17 April 7 full-members in Europe 10-15 associate members in Europe, USA, Australia and China
Executive Committee Johan Bergstrom, SE Tor Fridell, SE Jonna Korhonen, FI (Chair) Jan-Joost Norder, the NL Janina Mincer-Daszkiewicz, PL Geir Vangen, NO
Our vision Enabling digitalization of any process in need of assessment data - before, during and after studies Goes beyond Erasmus+ mobility student mobility programs cooperative arragements e.g. joint degrees, double degrees admission services recruitment solutions credential evaluation
“ To act as a global platform for connecting expertise, sharing knowledge and enhancing collaboration to expand EMREX footprint and help unlock the full potential of student data and open up data flows globally”.
Year plan 2018 Focus on these areas: Building the organization Create solid information material and flows Expand the network Standards work, ELMO, Diploma Supplement
Finland NCP in operation for all HEIs (powered by CSC) EMREX used by 2 HEIs actively, others sporadically Plans in 2018: Elmo 1.3. Add information on course content Pilot for supporting internal mobility NCP to new national dataware house KOSKI covering all education sectors -> add secondary education Integration to new SIS Peppi and Sisu
Italy NCP in operation for 2 HEIs and used by both of them SMP operational but not used Updated to ELMO 1.3 Plans to include more HEIs, but the issue to allow students to filter results is still there...
The Netherlands National Blockchain (PoC’s) Diplomasupplement (Q4) More diploma’s (never ending) International EMREX National Contact Point(live March 15) ELMO 1.2(Q2) EMREX Client(Q3) Diplomadata in English(Q4)
Norway All universities and colleges but one connected Upgrade to ELMO 1.3 Add course information (textual) Add vocational education to the NCP Some minor changes for GDPR compliance Prepare for Diploma Supplements (structural data) Prepare for use of eID (eIDAS) Connect more recruitment systems
Poland 7 Polish public universities currently registered. Other 50 HEIs from consortium MUCI, users of the same SIS, may join any time. Plans to add SMP to the central admission system for the internal mobility program. Plans to implement Diploma Supplements. No advertising, but students just find it and use it
Sweden One SIS, Ladok, run by a consortium covers 37 HEI:s in Sweden, which is practically all NCP in operation for all 37 HEI:s SMP as standalone in operation, covers the same area Secure transfer of pdf to staff within SIS (LadokPing) Concentration on new Student Information System rollout (Ladok3). In 2019 development on integration into SIS is expected. More secure transfer Support for recognition BI-tools DS-information