Law BA II and III year
Contact information Phillip Graves, administrator of the programme, lecturer of Private Law,, +372 6199 947, prior agreement needed to meet in Helsinki Anna-Stina Kangro, study counsellor and specialist,, +372 6199 941 Maris Liström, study counsellor and specialist, maris.listrom@tlu,ee, +372 6199 942
Study year Study year consists of two semesters: Autumn semester Spring semester One semester consists of: Semesters’ pre-week First study period (7 weeks) Intermediate week Second study period (7 weeks) Exam session (5 weeks)
Means of communication Information will only be sent to your TU e-mail account ( Please check it once a week minimally Please also ensure to check your Study Information System (ÕIS) account regularly, minimally once a week
Academic calendar All important dates are available in the academic calendar (NB! See the full academic calendar): calendar
Important dates in autumn 2018/2019 Autumn semester 27.08.2018-27.01.2019: 10.09.2018 until 5:00 p.m. Deadline for registration to courses via ÕIS 22.10 - 28.10.2018 Intermediate week (exams, intensive courses) 17.12 - 23.12.2018 Start of exam session 24.12.2018 - 01.01.2019 Christmas holiday 02.01 - 27.01.2019 Exam session continues (including re-exams) 27.01.2019 End of the autumn semester
TU study regulations This is the most important document that regulates all study related activities: Study Regulations
Curriculum Curriculum is up in ÕIS, nominal division: check AKLB (Helsinki) and AKLB (Tallinn): To study as a full-time student and graduate in standard period of time you should pass: - In each semester approximately 30 ECTS - In each study year approximately 60 ECTS - Not less than 45 ECTS per year
Curriculum Module Specific Courses: 36 ECTS - European and International Law Module - Finnish Law Module
Curriculum Law Electives University Wide Electives Bachelor’s Thesis: 12 ECTS
Course cards / course programmes / timetables Course programmes – only available for the students who have registered to the course Timetable is available in ÕIS and in ASIO on yellow background for Helsinki group and on green backround for Tallinn, AKLB-2 and AKLB-3
Submitting the study plan: 27.08.2018-10.09.2018 The study plan is submitted for one semester. Students need to choose the courses that are in their nominal divison Ensure to submit before 10.09.2018 5pm – the system will be very slow on the last day
Exams and assessments Students must register to exams and assessment in ÕIS at least 24h before the exam / assessment Students who haven’t registered will not be allowed to the exam / assessment Exams and assessments can both be taken twice (one time at the main exam/assessment, second time at the re-take). There are two main dates that students can choose from for exams and one main date for assessments. Re-exams take place in the end of the exam week
Evaluation assessments Exams are evaulated on the following scale: positive results A, B, C, D, E; negative result: F Assessment are evaluated on the following scale: P (pass), MA (negative, not passed) MI – not shown up (if a student doesn’t show up or doesn’t register to the exam) If a student fails a compulsory course for the 2nd time he or she will be expelled Individual agreements with lecturers about exam/assessment dates that are not in ÕIS are not allowed
38 credit rule If a student has more than 1 negative result in his or her study results he or she may not register to more than 38 credits per semester Negative results are F, MA, MI
Paying the tuiton fee Tuition fee deadline is the 25th, bill is submitted 7 days before. If the payment does not arrive by the set deadline, deletion from the matriculation register will follow Either use bank transfer (preferred option) or pay in cash to the Finance Office (in Tallinn)
Erasmus Triin Tõnurist, E-mail:, Tel. +372 6409448
Scholarships If you want a scholarship, you need to do the research yourself:
Questions and answers