Organizational Best Practices for LGBTQIA+ newcomers Odessa Sherbaniuk and Sizwe Inkingi Funded by:
The Humboldt Regional Newcomer Centre Formed in 2010 to serve as one of 11 immigration “hubs” across the province of Saskatchewan. Strives to be a welcoming and inclusive organization that values: Working together; Respect in everything we do; and Supporting people to be independent. Serves surrounding rural communities within 150 km radius.
What is OCASI? The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants Was formed in 1978 to act as a collective voice for immigrant- serving agencies and to coordinate response to shared needs and concerns. Advocates for the immigrant- and refugee- serving sector Represents over 230 member agencies across Ontario.
Positive Spaces Initiative The Positive Spaces Initiative Positive Spaces Initiative A collaborative project grounded in community Founded in 2008 to respond to identified gaps in service provision in the settlement sector. A multi-faceted approach to capacity building In-person and online training opportunities Regional networks – contextual solutions Community presence – events and collaboration No Longer Alone
The Myth of Canada Before Arrival After Arrival Canada is a ‘safe haven’ to escape persecution LGBTQIA+ newcomers can be themselves in an open and welcoming environment Ideas of a ‘safe place’ contrast with the lived reality of LGBTQIA+ newcomers. Assumptions about Canada being an ‘open-minded’ society are challenged
Being an LGBTQIA+ Newcomer in Canada Canada aims to bring over 900 000 new arrivals to the country from 2018-2020 Approximately 10% of all new arrivals to Canada identify as LGBTQIA+ (IRCC, 2018). Immigration structures and policies are still discriminatory IRB Refugee Hearings Over 3000 legacy cases remaining (many LBTQIA+ from Carribean and West Africa) Other policies outdated and not reflective of current global climate (i.e. Safe Third Country Act, Designated Country of Origin)
Being an LGBTQIA+ Newcomer in Canada Ontario is leader in supporting LGBTQIA+ newcomers in settlement The political and social climate is shifting in a way that negatively impacts settlement experiences Appropriate data collection of LGBTQIA+ newcomers still remains a barrier within the settlement sector which as a result affects program evaluations Settlement organizations in Ontario are not explicitly welcoming of LGBTQIA+ service-users The HRNC is researching services available in the rural Saskatchewan context
What we’re hearing on the ground Homelessness and housing Increasing rates of homelessness for newcomer lgbtq+ youth (16-30) Health care Access to trans health care an ongoing issue Employment Seen as the biggest determinant for success in Canada Service delivery No explicit presence of LBTQIA+ newcomers in service provision Resources not readily available Sector over capacity
In order to create a positive space, the organizational culture must shift
Organizational Culture What makes up ‘Culture’ Questions to consider Based on values, assumptions, and norms Forms the basis for decision- making Informs what one does or does not do What are the values that drive your organization? How do these values play out in your agency? How do you yourself reinforce these values?
Exploring Resistance to Change Kinds of resistance you might encounter in your own workplaces. Behaviours Actions Arguments What does discrimination look like? Direct (i.e Refusing to provide service) Indirect Redirecting LGBTQIA+ people to other providers, even when services are available at your agency Agency policies that have a negative impact on LGBTQIA+ people Lots of resources for confronting individual biases, acquiring resources – stats like these prove the necessity of doing this work. But change needs to happen at an organizational level.
Is your agency a positive space What is a positive space’ Indicators Accessibility Signage Confidentiality Language NOT A PHYSICAL SPACE Body language Attitude You Slide to be edited
How do shift organizational culture? Policy & Procedure Training and collaborative learning Resources and programming Signage and Infrastructure Ongoing Evaluation and Improvement
Policy and Procedure Implement an ARAO policy Explicitly include SOGIE as protected grounds Align with the OHRC requirements Implement procedures for addressing homo/bi/transphobia Feedback/complaints procedure Confidentiality and anonymity OHRC Guidelines on Developing Human Rights Policies and Procedures United Way Toolkit for Community Service Organizations: An Integrated Anti-Oppression Framework for Reviewing and Developing Policy
Training and Collaborative Learning Is consistent information communicated to staff? At orientation In social spaces In meetings Positive Spaces/comparable training is available Opportunities to deepen training knowledge are made available
Resources and Programming Are LGBTQIA+ resources included in your organizations resource shelf/packages/ handouts, etc. ? Are referrals appropriate? Is there programming/services available for LGBTQIA+ people? Opportunities for collaboration with other organizations?
Signage and infrastructure Affirming Signage Represents the diversity of LGBTQIA+ community ‘You are welcome here’ Culturally relevant Informative signage Empowers people to acquire information without feeling obligated to be out Washrooms Accessible and clearly marked gender neutral bathrooms
Ongoing evaluation and improvement – Positive Spaces Assessment Tool Collect meaningful data Learn from the community Understand where you are in your own journeys to creating and maintaining positive spaces.
Thank you! Odessa Sherbaniuk The Humboldt Regional Newcomer Centre Sizwe Inkingi Positive Spaces Initiative Bilingual Coordinator