Open House Welcome to Geometry 2015-2016 Mrs. Walls: Mrs. Herman: Ms. D’Ercole: Ms. Potts: Ms. Breach:
Required Materials 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder with dividers Pencils Paper (lined and graph) Compass Protractor Calculator (scientific or graphing) Colored pencils, pens, crayons, markers, or HIGHLIGHTERS (optional, but highly recommended)
The Grading Policy Tests 40 % Quizzes 25% Homework 20% Binder/Warm Ups 15% Semester 1 Grade is calculated as follows: 1st and 2nd Quarter each 40%. Final exam is 20%.
FAQs Will students have HW every day? How is this class structured? Yes. Except test days. How is this class structured? Approximately 3 Units per qtr. Within each Unit expect nightly HW, 1 Quiz (open note) and 1 Unit test. In addition, daily Warm ups & Binder Checks also contribute to student success.
How is Homework Graded? On a 5 to 0 scale: 5 Every problem done neatly with all work shown 4 Nearly all problems done neatly with all work shown, 1-3 problems missing 3 Half of problems done with work showing 2 Less than half of problems done with work showing, sloppy or messy work. 1 Less than 25% of problems done with work showing. 0 Work not turned in
Tests & Quizzes ALL quizzes are OPEN NOTE meaning they can use notes, homework, warm ups, etc. A Study Guide is given to each student at the beginning of every unit. Study Guides include questions similar to what will be on the test, and has the correct answers listed on the back. Students may use a calculator and formula sheet on every test.
What if the student is unhappy with their test score? Good News!!! Students can retake each Unit test once!! But only after they have completed Test Corrections and all HW for that Unit is turned in! What are Test Corrections? On a separate paper, do each missed problem correctly & show all work. Staple to the test and turn it when you retake the test. Retakes must be done outside of class time- After school or at lunch. You must complete the retake by the posted deadline. The score on your retake is the score you keep.
How can I get help? A geometry teacher is available almost every day until 3pm. Mrs. Walls is available until 3pm most days – she posts her schedule weekly. Ms. Potts (rm. 1219) is available M/W 2-3pm. Ms. Breach (rm. 1217) is available T/TH 2-3pm. Mrs. Herman (rm. 1309) is available Mon-Thur 2-3pm. Ms. D’Ercole (rm. 1221) is available Wednesday 2-3pm.
What if I would like to discuss my child’s grade with their teacher? Please contact your child’s counselor to schedule a parent teacher conference. Counselors: 9th & 10th A-F Kristina Bannister 9th G-Z Britney Marsella 10th G-X Terry Wappes 11th Hope Bowden 12th David Campopiano 11th & 12th Melonie Purcell Magnet Counselors: A-L Mercedes Moss M-Z Heather Moyer