Stakeholder Expert Group Review of EU Air policy European Commission Research & Innovation FP7 - Cooperation - Environment Jose M. Jimenez Mingo Lara G. Passante 14/01/2019
Key Players: EU Research organisations The European Commission is launching a coordinated effort with the scientific community to address the specific research needs for the Implementation and review of Ambient Air Quality and NEC Directives and the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution. Key Players: EU Research organisations EC Coordination : DG ENV, DG RTD, DG JRC Collaboration with EEA 14/01/2019
Number of selected projects: 19 EU RTD Framework Programme projects (FP6 & FP7) with a strong component on Air Quality Number of selected projects: 19 Total Budget: (EU contribution + National funding) 142 M € EU contribution: 99 M € Research teams: 415 (Mainly form EU but including also other International collaborations) 14/01/2019
Total Budget EC contribution Research Teams ACCENT Plus 1.372.728,00 € 998.352,00 € 9 CITYZEN 3.959.272,00 € 2.915.000,00 € 16 MEGAPOLI 5.094.507,00 € 3.398.898,00 € 23 EUCAARI 14.952.335,00 € 9.999.627,00 € 48 PEGASOS 9.809.992,00 € 6.999.992,00 € 26 NITROEUROPE 26.943.227,00 € 16.600.000,00 € 62 ECLIPSE 3.810.033,00 € 2.706.051,00 € 11 ECLAIRE 10.731.161,00 € 6.997.001,00 € 39 AIRMONTECH 1.366.154,00 € 997.552,00 € ESCAPE 8.009.932,00 € 5.858.973,00 € 25 HEREPLUS 1.683.052,00 € 1.399.837,00 € 10 TRANSPHORM 8.717.883,00 € 6.915.553,00 € 21 HITEA 3.608.037,00 € 2.753.694,00 € 8 OFFICAIR 4.259.900,00 € 2.867.121,00 € 15 PURGE 4.553.831,00 € 3.416.332,00 € URGENCHE : 4.652.550,00 € 3.499.993,00 € 17 HEIMTSA 7.138.904,00 € 4.999.780,00 € INTARESE 17.341.697,00 € 12.379.832,00 € 33 ATOPICA 4.395.271,00 € 3.497.273,00 € 142.400.466,00 € 99.200.861,00 € 415 14/01/2019
Coordination actions ACCENT Plus coordination action in order to bring together the scientific community working on atmospheric composition change. AIRMONTECH coordination action in the field of Air Quality Monitoring Technologies. 14/01/2019
Air quality and climate change Major research areas: Aerosols and their role on air pollution and climate, (EUCAARI and PEGASOS), Environmental impacts of megacities (CITYZEN and MEGAPOLI), the nitrogen cycle (NITROEUROPE), Effects on European Ecosystems (ECLAIRE-under negotiation), Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants (ECLIPSE-under negotiation) 14/01/2019
Air Pollution and Health Major research areas Health effects of ambient air pollution: ESCAPE - increasing knowledge database on the long-term health effects of air pollution exposure (PM10, PM2.5, the soot content of PM2.5 and NOx) by studying 30 European cohorts Health impacts of indoor air pollutants: HITEA (microbial pollution) and OFFICAIR (IAQ in offices in view of energy savings initiatives) Environmental health impact assessment -FP6: INTARESE/HEIMTSA (health impact of air pollution policies) -FP7: PURGE, URGENCHE (health impact of greenhouse gas reduction policies), TRANSPHORM (integrated assessment of health impacts from road, shipping, rail and aviation emissions) Climate change and aeroallergens: ATOPICA - how the spread of aeroallergens will change with climate change; interactions with air pollution (under negotiation) 14/01/2019