Summary Workshop D Nordic Forum for Geo-statistics Spatial Extensions or more sufficient Spatial software architecture and modeling
Background In 2002 and 2003 only Finland presented papers on experiences of spatial databases. In Helsinki 2003 the possibility of making a workshop (and a network) on spatial software etc. was in question. That lead to this workshop on Spatial Extensions to databases in Copenhagen 2004. Looking in the mirror a more sufficient title would bee Spatial software architecture and modeling. 1/14/2019
Day 1 presentation Conceptual Modeling of Geographic Data and Relationships among Geographic Databases (Anders Friis-Christensen,The Danish National Survey and Cadastre). An introduction to the conceptual modelling of geographic data with focus on the modelling of consistency in data represented by different databases (multiple representations). Se also: Issues in the Conceptual Modelling of Geographic Data, Anders Friis-Christensens Ph.D. Thesis defended Friday 24th of October 2003, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, Publication No. 21, ISSN nr. 1601-0590. 1/14/2019
Day 2 presentations: Subject 1 - 3 FME and Geodatabases (Peter Laulund, The Danish National Survey and Cadastre). An introduction to the software FME (Feature Manipulation Engine) by Safe Software and its use in Danish National Survey and Cadastre. It’s an ETL-software (ETL=Extract, Transform, Load), that is of interesting if one needs to write, read and supply spatial data in many different formats and coordinate systems. Report on the planned construction of a Geodatabase based on ArcSDE (Bjørn Roar Joneid, Statistics Norway). Statistic Norway have decided to buy ArcSDE and establish a spatial database (a geo-database in Informi-GIS terminology) in Oracle without using either Oracle Locator or Oracle Spatial. ArcSDE is the link between Oracle and ArcGIS. The need for a spatial database has to be combined with the possibility to read and write forth and back between Oracle and ArcGIS. Compare that Statistic Norway have a long tradition for using “traditional” GIS-software and have, for that reason, no intension to use Spatial Extensions to databases. Oracle Locator/Spatial (Jesper Lauritzen, Statistics Denmark). Statistic Denmark has not yet decided on its spatial architecture. A few experiences using Oracle locator/spatial is going on. E.g. address coordi-nates are stored in Oracle Spatial using the data type Sdo_geometry. Un-like the other Nordic Statistics, Statistic Denmark have no long tradition for using traditional GIS-software like e.g. Inform-GIS products. Also it is deci-ded that data has to be stored in Oracle databases. For that reason it is obvious to examine Oracle Spatial Extension. ArcGIS is also used and, for that reason, a link between Oracle Spatial and ArcGIS, e.g. ArcSDE is a possibility. 1/14/2019
Day 2 presentations: Subject 4 - 6 Spatial Database; administrating and using spatial data. (Maija Leppänen, Statistic Finland. Maija was not able to participate but her distributes on the workshop). The paper is about relational databases and its benefit, advantages and disadvantages of ArcSDE, etc. Statistic Finland have bought ArcSDE for the purpose to use it with SQL Server 2000 (Hope they will have Oracle and Oracle Spatial some day). (Håkan Hedenvind, Statistics Sweden). Statistic Sweden – like Finland and Norway - have a long tradition for using spatial data. Using Spatial Extensions to relational databases have not yet been discussed. (Inge Nael, Statistics Estonia. Inge did not participate in the workshop) Statistic Estonia is testing Oracle Locator. 1/14/2019
Conclusion The participants agreed on having a useful workshop and on the fact that comparative discussions on Spatial software architecture and modeling is a good idea. 1/14/2019