European Competition in North America 2 . 2
12. What two countries did Henry Hudson sail for and what did he discover?
A) Henry Hudson sailed under the Dutch flag and later he sailed for England B) Hudson discovered the Hudson River and later Hudson Bay both are named after him.
In 1611, Hudson’s men mutinied and stuck Hudson, his son, and eight crew men adrift. They were never heard from again.
13. What is the much sought after Northwest Passage?
The Northwest Passage is an all water route through North America to Asia
14. What was John Cabot’s discovery?
John Cabot was looking for the Northwest Passage instead he landed in present day Newfoundland, Canada. Many people give Cabot credit for discovering North America. Cabot Tower in St. John's Newfoundland, commemorating the 400th anniversary of his landing. Letter from King Henry VI giving Cabot permission to discover new lands for England.
15. What was Jacques Cartier’s discovery?
Jacques Cartier explored and discovered the St Jacques Cartier explored and discovered the St. Lawrence River to present day Montreal. He did this sailing for France.
16. Sir Francis Drake did what in 1577 that took three years to complete?
Francis Drake led attacks against the Spanish Armada and in three years he sailed around the world being the first Englishmen to accomplish this feat.
17. What happened in 1588 that shifted power from Spain to England and what were the two effects from 1588?
In 1588, the English navy defeated the Spanish Armada In 1588, the English navy defeated the Spanish Armada. The Spanish Armada was, at this time, the most powerful navy in the world.
1. England would remain independent and a Protestant nation. 2. Spain was now defeated and would never again reign supreme.
18. In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded what permanent settlement in North America?
He founded the fur-trading post of Quebec He founded the fur-trading post of Quebec. This was the 1st permanent French settlement in North America.
19. What was France’s main economic avenue in North America?
Fur Trade
20. What was the name of the colony established in present day New York by the Dutch?
New Netherland