Quantitative Research Facility Management Business in Bulgaria Presentation • September 2018 Quantitative Research
of the Research Quantitative Research May - July 2018 Type of the extract - method of response Effective n=30 Online questionnaire All members of BGFMA as well as non-members Sofia
Main profile of the respondents You are:? (%) What is your position in the company/organization that you represent? (%)
Distribution by type of buildings What is the average area (in sqm), for which your company/organization provides FM services? (Average in sqm) How many buildings do you manage with contracts for FM services as per the type of building listed below? (Average) Residential building 27 050,00 Industrial building/s 7 650,00 Office building/s 177 541,30 Logistics 13 242,86 Commercial building/s 25 250,00 Other type of building 19 000,00
FM Business Development Assessment How do you evaluate the FM business development in the past few years? (%) 86,7%
Degree of importance of the FM services What is the importance of the following aspects in providing various FM services depending on the companies ? (%)
Services What are the three most wanted FM services in the last 1-2 years? (%)
Provided services What are the FM services provided by your company? (%)
Management of the services What is relevant for your company/organization in terms of the following FM services? (%)
Ratio between preventative/reactive activity What is your personal observation as to what is the ratio between preventative activity/maintenance and reactive activity used by the FM companies? Please use percentages. Average in %: Reactive activity 48% Preventative activity 52%
Expected changes in the demand What will be the demand for the following FM services in the next few years? (%)
Obstacles with implementing the activity What are the most essential obstacles, difficulties, with implementing your activities? Main results derived from the respondents: Finding qualified staff Bad legislative framework for the service Lack of training standards Changes by the contracting entities Unfair competition
Applied standards There are various standards – International. European, National, company, etc. What standards does your company/organization apply in the FM industry? (%) Type of standard: Standards approved by International tenants; system of internal corporate standards, Confidential, Internal procedures; ISO; Company standards EN 15221; ISO 9001; BSS EN 15221-3; The Translated by BGFMA; GEFMA 730, Bulgarian National regulations; Land Management Law. DIN; ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO50001, World Trade Centers Association - Certificate for Service Standard and Quality, ISO
Interaction with customers Have you had any early terminations of contracts with companies? (%) How often do you collect feedback from your customers? (%) 56,7%
Contracting period and charges At what time of the building construction do you sign contracts for FM services? ( %) What is the average contracting period for your company/organization? (%) 56,7%
Recognition and membership in BGFMA Do you recognize BGFMA’s activity and the services provided by the Association? (%)