ALL ABOUT ME By maanasi
MY FRIENDS This is my best friend Isha. This is Rikisha (my friend).
MY FAVOURITE BOOKS My favourite books are Geronimo Stilton and Princess books.
DRESSES These are some Indian dresses.
MY FAMILY *My mums name is Niharika,Niha for short *My dads name is Raja his nickname is Raj *My little sisters name is Aakruthi, Aaku is her nickname
INDIAN BACKGROUND My Cultural background is India
MY CULTURE Even though I was born in New Zealand I am an Indian because my whole family is Indian. This is where I live in India.
ABOUT MY COUSINS My cousins live in India.I dont know most of my cousins because I have heaps of cousins.
MY FAVOURITE GAMES I like super Mario,
MY FAVOURITE TV SHOWS My favourite t-v shows are spongbob square pants and H20.