Natalie Green Trimble County High School Science Department January 28th, 2015 Natalie Green Trimble County High School Science Department
2nd Period - Chemistry Starter: pass back learning checks Today’s learning target focus: all Data analysis: Learning check How to document your sources Enrichment/Remediation Molecule Project work Due dates: 9-1 Notes: Friday Molecule: Tuesday Unit 7 Summative exam: Friday Unit 7 LC#2 2nd chance: Thur/Tues - Ms. P’s room
3rd Period – Physical Science Test Wednesday January 28th Bell Ringer: If two equal forces act on an object in opposite directions, what is the net force? What is the acceleration?
Math RTI Solution = 0 No solution Y = mx + B
4th Period – Physical Science NEW SEATS Test Wednesday January 28th Bell Ringer: If two equal forces act on an object in opposite directions, what is the net force? What is the acceleration?
5th Period - Chemistry Starter: pass back learning checks, New Seats Today’s learning target focus: all Data analysis: Learning check Enrichment/Remediation Molecule Project work Due dates: 9-1 Notes: Friday Molecule: Tuesday Unit 7 Summative exam: Friday Unit 7 LC#2 2nd chance: Thur/Tues - Ms. P’s room
6th period - Forensics Chapter 9 Test CSI Back in lab tomorrow Bell Ringer: The Dillie-Koppanyi reagent is useful in screening for what drug?