WCHS Expectations Make 2017 the best yet!
G Generating School Spirit Keep Earning SWAG TAGS Remember what SWAG stands for, follow it, and earn those SWAG TAGS! S Showing Respect W Willingness to lead A Actively Engaged G Generating School Spirit
Classroom Expectations Be Involved! Be on time to class. Bring your supplies. Listen, Think, Respond. Be Respectful! Use appropriate language. Use appropriate tone when speaking. Respect personal spaces. Accept differences. Be Responsible! Follow Classroom Rules. Complete Assignments. Visit Infinite Campus DAILY. Resolve conflicts peacefully.
Classroom T.E.A.M. Expectations Direct Instruction (Powerpoint lectures, Grammar instruction or Shaun McLeod Videos, Bellringer review, etc.) Talking– Level 0 unless you’ve been given the go ahead to talk Effort– paying attention, pencil, paper, materials in hand taking notes, following along Activity—Actively engaged Movement– Remain seated at all times (do not get up at this time to throw something away, get a piece of lead from a fellow student-have a confab with a fellow student, sharpen your pencil, turn-in an assignment, etc.) This is a time to remain in your seat. Groupwork Expectations Talking—Level 1-2 with members of your group only—do not speak with other groups Effort—everyone in the group positively contribute, pencil, paper, materials in hand completing group assignment Activity—Actively Engaged Movement—remain seated within your group (do not get up at this time to throw something away, get a piece of lead from a fellow student-have a confab with a fellow student, sharpen your pencil, turn-in an assignment, etc.) This is a time to remain in your seat.
Hallway Expectations Be Safe! Walk to the right. Be Respectful! Use conversational voices. Use appropriate language. Be Responsible! Walk directly to your destination. Be in class on time. Remember headphones are NOT to be worn in the hallways
Restroom Expectations Be Respectful! Use restroom facilities in a timely manner. Respect others’ privacy. Be Responsible! Always wash your hands and flush. Throw away paper in appropriate locations.
Cafeteria Expectations Be Respectful! Remain seated unless you are disposing of trash. Keep the table and area around you clean. Be Responsible! Go directly to a food line or to your seat. Dismiss promptly at the bell and report directly to class. Headphones are allowed during lunch! Enjoy it!
Gym Expectations Be Safe Lock up all valuables daily Always be in an assigned area Be Responsible Dispose of food and drink before entering the gym Have permission before entering or exiting the gym Be Respectful Show good sportsmanship Use appropriate language
Cell Phone Policy Cell Phones The Active and Passive Cell Phone violation will remain the same. Students may also use phones before school, during class changes, and during lunch However… Cell Phones are not to be used during class time unless given permission by your teacher. This includes the hallway and restrooms. This will be treated like an active cell phone violation. Refusal to give up a cell phone will be seen as an act of defiance and will result in the loss of cell phone privileges for the rest of the school year and a referral for defiance.
Warren Central Cell Phone Policy Discipline Guidelines 1st offense - Phone is turned in to the office and parent/guardian will pick it up after school on the following school day 2nd offense - Phone is turned in to the office and parent/guardian will pick it up after school after 5 school days 3rd offense or more - Phone is turned in to the office and parent/guardian will pick it up at the end of the semester *If a student refuses to turn in their phone, and an administrator is forced to take it, the student can lose the phone for up to the remainder of the semester