Joe Sampson MPUSD EL/Intervention Coordinator RFEP vs. IFEP Joe Sampson MPUSD EL/Intervention Coordinator
CELDT All potential English Learners take CELDT when enrolled Tests English skills Required if parent indicates non-English language spoken by student, parents, or adults in the home
CELDT 4 sections: Includes an overall score Listening Speaking Reading Writing Includes an overall score
IFEP: Initially Fluent English Proficient If the first time a student takes CELDT… CELDT Scores Kinder/1st 2nd-12th Listening 3, 4 or 5 Speaking Reading 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Writing Overall 4 or 5 …student is considered IFEP
EL: English Learner If the first time a student takes CELDT… Overall score: 1, 2 or 3 or Overall score: 4 or 5 but Listening, Speaking, Reading or Writing less than 3… …student is considered an English Learner
EL: English Learner All ELs are required to have daily ELD: Kinder: 30 minutes 1st-5th: 45 minutes 6th-12th: 1 period All ELs take the CELDT every fall
RFEP: Reclassified Fluent English Proficient Once an EL takes CELDT… Overall score: 4 or 5 and Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 3, 4 or 5 CST English Language Arts score 325 or more… Scores of “Basic” or more on District tests… Teacher recommends… …student can be RFEP
RFEP: Reclassified Fluent English Proficient IFEP and RFEP students do not require daily English Language Development (ELD), but may still participate