Ancient Plays & Theatres
When? Not every day – just at festivals/holidays Eventually 101 festival days a year Notices throughout town Shut down business, everyone to theatre Cushions, hats, parasols, food, drinks Politicians’ spots reserved; tokens
How it Goes Down Free admission Rich dude “gives” the play Benefits for him? Plays all day Tragedies, comedies, farces, pantomime Awning for hot days Sailors
Actors Grex – literally a “herd” – troupe of actors Run or owned by a producer Same social level as slaves and laborers Freedmen could join troupes Hereditary career – no Roman citizens No women until the empire Year the empire began?
Haters Gonna Hate Why the hate on actors? Greeks adore theirs – great status Critical of politicians Dirty jokes; naked appearances More than just dirty jokes, too Grew more popular over time Theatre dies out, gladiators & races take over
Theatres Themselves - Greek
Roman Theatres Originally copy the Greeks (duh) Skene bigger Originally wooden Theatre of Pompey – 55 BC