Important Act III, scenes iii,iv notes…. Scene iii Desdemona agrees to pester Othello for Cassio’s job back “for thy solicitor shall rather die/ than give thy cause away” Iago starts planting doubts in Othello’s mind about Cassio (I cannot think it he would steal away so guiltylike, /seeing you coming) (In his sleep I heard him say “ Sweet Desdemona, /let us be wary, let us hide our love”) (but such a handkerchief-/ I am sure it was your wife’s – did I today/ see Cassio wipe his beard with”) But also “warns” him to “Beware, my lord, of jealousy!/ It is the green eyed monster which doth mock/ The meat it feeds on.” Meanwhile…Desdemona has dropped the handkerchief that Othello first gave her and told her to keep with her always…Emilia took it, and instead of returning it to her, gives it to her husband, Iago, who has been begging her to get it for him. Without actually “seeing” anything, Othello gets Iago to commit to killing Cassio within three days and he will take care of killing Desdemona. Iago also gets promoted to Cassio’s job.
Scene iv Desdemona tells Emilia she lost her handkerchief and is worried about telling Othello because he may become jealous. As Desdemona renews her cause (to get Cassio’s job back) Othello traps her by asking to see the handkerchief he gave her and tells her a story of its magic powers…she does not admit it is lost but says she’ll show him later and he gets more jealous as she continues to ask him about Cassio Desdemona tells Cassio that Othello seems to be in a bad mood and Desdemona and Emilia discuss that jealousy is a bad thing….duh…. Bianca finds Cassio who asks him where he’s been (why not with her) To appease her, he gives her Desdemona’s handkerchief – which she assumes is from his “new” woman. He says he found it in his room and asks her to go get a copy made before whomever it belongs to asks for it back. He tells her he needs to go see Othello and she can’t come…she accepts it and leaves.