Literary devices and literary elements What they are what they do
Characterization Methods an author uses to reveal a character's personality: character's speech, character's behavior , description of character's thoughts and feelings, description of character's looks and clothing, comments made by other characters.
IMAGERY Words that paint a picture that appeals to one or more of the 5 senses
Mood Emotional response of the reader to the text
Personification Objects or animals are given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes
simile Comparison of two UNLIKE things using the words “LIKE” or “AS”
Metaphor Comparison of two unlike things NOT using the words “LIKE” or “AS”
Symbol An object that means more than it seems
Allusion A reference to a statement, person, or event, etc. in history
Theme A central message or insight into life revealed through a literary work
Irony When one thing is expected, but the exact opposite occurs
Setting When and where a story occurs
Foreshadowing Clues in a literary work that suggest events that have yet to occur
Conflict Friction that occurs between characters, a character and an outside source, or within a character’s conscience or mind.