September 13, 2010 St. Petersburg, Russia Session #69 802.16m Opening Report September 13, 2010 St. Petersburg, Russia Session #69 2010-09-13 IEEE 802.16m-10/0028
802.16m Opening Report – St.Petersburg Into Session #68.5: SB first recirculation: 86% return rate; 67% approval SB Comments to be resolved at Session #69 on D8 Amendment Text (802.16-10/0047r1) 376 technical: 64 editorial; 11 general 246 MAC (1 Maintenance) 47 PHY 7 General 91 Other 117 editorial comments Several hundred reply comments 176 contributions 93 MAC 39 PHY 4 Femto/SON 0 Multi-BS MIMO 6 Relay 3 LBS 3 e-MBS 28 Other 2010-09-13 IEEE 802.16m-10/0028
802.16m Opening Report- St. Petersburg Plan for the week: Resolve ALL Sponsor Ballot comments (ONLY focus) No SDD CRs Primary comment resolution groups on PHY and MAC during daytime hours Scheduled evening sessions (Mon/Tues) for harmonization and comment resolution as needed Authorize Editor to create D9 and request SB recirc #3 Discuss WorkPlan and schedule 2010-08-19 IEEE 802.16m-10/0024r2
802.16m Opening Report- St Petersburg Plan for the week (cont): Logistics: Conduct two primary parallel sessions all week (PHY & MAC) Two parallel daytime SB comment resolution sessions Common session on Thursday PM (1:00PM-5:00PM) Details to be covered in TGm opening session Also see TGm Draft Agenda, 802.16m-10/0029 Updates to room allocations and individual room detailed activity during the week will be posted to the 802.16 Reflector and Temp upload directory 2010-09-13 IEEE 802.16m-10/0028