Feline Blood Typing The only automated blood typing test for your cat
Scientific Background Feline Blood Typing Scientific Background
FELINE BLOOD TYPES There are three major feline blood types: A, B and AB A type is the most common type in cats B type prevalence differs by breed AB type is rare Type A is the most common while type B is common in some pedigree breeds. Type AB appears seldom in all breeds. Cats given a non-compatible blood transfusion can develop severe life-threatening transfusion reactions, since cats may have naturally-occurring antibodies in their blood against red blood cells of the wrong type. Type B cats have always a high level of antibodies against type A blood (and will react badly if given type A blood), but can also be true of type A cats. Because of the incompatibilities and risks of severe transfusion reactions, cats should only receive a matched blood transfusion.
WHEN IS A BLOOD TRANSFUSION NEEDED? A blood transfusion provides an immediate supply of a number of elements, very useful in particular cases. The three major elements provided when transfusing blood are: Red blood cells (erythrocytes): Cells responsible for delivering oxygen around every cell of the body. A simple blood measurement called the packed cell volume (PCV) can be used to estimate the number of red blood cells. In a normal cat, the PCV is usually between 25% and 45%. Although each individual situation varies, a blood transfusion will normally be required if the PCV falls below 10-15%. In case of anemia, a red blood cell transfusion can be life-saving for a cat. Plasma: Is the fluid component of blood (within which the red cells are suspended). It contains many proteins with essential functions. Albumin - this is the major protein in blood, and importantly helps to hold fluid (water) within the circulation. Other chemicals and hormones may be transported around the body being bound to albumin. Clotting factors - these are critically important proteins in the blood that cause blood to clot when a blood vessel is damaged. Inflammatory mediators - a variety of proteins are produced during inflammation to help fight infections and regulate the inflammation Platelets: these are very small cells in the blood that work alongside clotting factors to allow blood to clot and prevent prolonged bleeding after injury Cat blood can be potentially separated into the three components named before. However this practice is rarely used, since cat blood (red cells in particular) cannot be stored for any lenght of time, why fresh blood is usually collected for a transfusion.
Some facts about Feline blood types There are three feline blood types: A, B and AB. Cats have naturally occurring antibodies to antigens, not on their red cells. Cats with type A blood have antibodies to type B antigens Cats with type B blood have antibodies to type A antigens. Cats with type AB blood have both A and B antigens on the erythrocyte membrane and do not have naturally occurring antibodies to either type A or B blood. The A type is the most common in cats. The prevalence of type B blood differs by breed. A B AB A positive 98,8% 0% 1,2% B poitive 95% 5% Cats with type AB blood are rare.
Feline Blood Typing Transfusion chart DONOR RECIPIENT A A Red Blood Cell only AB AB B B Because there is no type O in cats, there is no universal donor.
Feline Blood typing and its importance Blood transfusion risks: Cats with type A blood have antibodies to type B antigens Cats with B blood have always a high level of antibodies to type A antigens Cats given a non-compatible blood transfusion can develop severe life-threatening transfusion reactions, because cats can have naturally-occurring antibodies in their blood against red blood cells of the wrong type. Mating risks: Risk for the A type kitten resulted by the mating of type B queen with an A tom Fading kitten syndrome: Anti-A antibody occurs in the colostrum which is absorbed by the kitten Absorbed antibody attacks the kittens type A erythrocytes and cause the kitten’s death If cats receive the wrong blood type even once, a Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction occurs and can result in death
Feline Blood Typing
Your cat is most most likely to have Type A blood Type B (or AB) Type A (or AB) Your cat is most most likely to have Type A blood Type B (or AB) Your cat is most most likely to have Type B blood Type A + Type B + Type A - Type B - Feline A Blood typing Feline B Blood typing
Feline A&B cartridge (COMBO) A Positive B Negative Type A A Negative B Positive Type B A Positive B Positive Type AB Feline A&B Blood Typing
Assay Principle Diluted whold blood is added to the cartridge If agglutination occurs there will be a difference between the signal from the reaction channel and the signal from the control channel. Signal channel Reference channel Sample-in detection Reagent Control
Screen configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Result Feline Blood Typing
Feline Blood TypingTM Test The QuickVet® Feline Blood Typing™ Test allows the veterinarian to determine the different blood type in cats. The accurate determination of Feline blood typing is essential for successful blood transfusion and / or mapping the breeding cats. Feline Blood Typing™ Test continues QuickVet®s product offering in small animal segment and is in comprehensive line of blood typing. Easy to use blood typing test which eliminates human error in blood typing tests. Specifically developed to measure A and B Feline Blood types. Based on “easy to use” lab-on-a-chip technology Competitive price Canine Blood typing Feline A Blood typing Feline B Blood typing Feline A & B Blood typing The only automated blood typing instrument for Feline and Canine
Feline Blood Typing Product data & package Feline AB Blood typing Feline A Blood typing Feline B Blood typing Supplied materials Not supplied Diluent liquid Pipette tip Feline Blood Typing 2, 6 & 12 package Shelf life: 12 months Storage: (2-25 ◦C) Cartridge must be at room temprature before use.
Feline Blood typing test The first instrumented Feline & canine blood typing test that delivers an unambiguous answer Provides diagnostic aid for the untrained user Single and specific test for Type A, Type B and AB. Features Benefits Unambiguous answer User do not need to interpret weak signals manually Add sample and read result Result after 5 min using one drop of whole blood Whole blood test No need to centrifuge sample Auto-agglutination control Built-in quality control to avoid false positive results No user interaction Avoids user errors common in other tests In-clinic use Result when needed in time critical situations Works with packed cells Can be used by blood banks and with blood bank blood 15 15
Cartridge must be at room at temprature before use. Product data & package Canine Blood typing 6 & 12 package Feline A Blood typing 2, 6 & 12 package Feline B Blood typing 2, 6 & 12 package Feline A &B Blood typing 2, 6 & 12 package Shelf life: 24 months Storage: (2-25 ◦C) Shelf life: 24 months Storage: (2-25 ◦C) Shelf life: 24 months Storage: (2-25 ◦C) Shelf life: 24 months Storage: (2-25 ◦C) Cartridge must be at room at temprature before use.
Cartridge must be at room temprature before use. Product data & package Coagulation PT & aPTT 12 & 24 package Equine Fibrinogen 12 & 24 package Canine Fibrinogen 6 & 12 package Shelf life: 12 months Storage: (2-8 ◦C) Shelf life: 12 months Storage: (2-8 ◦C) Shelf life: 12months Storage: (2-8 ◦C) Cartridge must be at room temprature before use.