Second Semester Review
Belief System Latin American Africa Middle East Asia Misc. 1 2 3 4 5
Follows the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path Belief System- 1 Follows the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path
Belief System- 1 Buddhism
Belief System- 2 Believes the ultimate goal in life is to attain moksha and become one with the universe
Belief System- 2 Hinduism
Belief System- 3 Believes in strict laws, harsh punishments and the state is the ultimate authority
Belief System - 3 Legalism
Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in Belief System- 4 Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in
Belief System- 4 monotheism
Belief System- 5 Not concerned with bringing order to human affairs, but seek harmony with nature
Belief System- 5 Daoism
Individuals that is a descendent of European & African parents Latin American - 1 Individuals that is a descendent of European & African parents
Latin American - 1 Mullatoes
led a successful slave revolt against the French in Haiti Latin American - 2 led a successful slave revolt against the French in Haiti
Toussaint L’Ouverture Latin American - 2 Toussaint L’Ouverture
Latin American - 3 During the colonial period, which group was considered the top of Latin American society?
Latin American - 3 Peninsulares
Latin American - 4 an economic system that granted land and all of the people living on that land to a Spaniard by the king
Latin American - 4 Encomienda system
Latin American - 5 One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Jose de San Martin are similar is that they
led independence movements Latin American - 5 led independence movements
Africa- 1 Hero of the black South African cause who was imprisoned for 27 years before becoming that nations first black president.
Africa- 1 Nelson Mandela
Why was Africa called “the dark continent”
it remained largely unexplored until the 1820’s Africa - 2 it remained largely unexplored until the 1820’s
Africa - 3 The colonial trade route between Europe, the New World and Africa in which goods were exchanged for slaves was called
Africa - 3 Triangular Trade
Africa - 4 The policy that controlled and divided South African society through a set of race-based laws
Africa - 4 Apartheid
What was the goal of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885? Africa - 5 What was the goal of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
To create rules for trade and the colonization of Africa
Middle East- 1 What action taken by Saddam Hussein led to the First Persian Gulf War in 1990 – 1991?
Middle East- 1 his invasion of Kuwait.
Middle East- 2 After World War I, Palestine was held as a mandate under which European power?
Middle East- 2 Britain
Middle East- 3 What year was Israel granted statehood and recognized by the U.S. and the Soviet Union?
Middle East- 3 1948
Middle East- 4 What nationalist movement called for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine?
Middle East- 4 Zionism
What does OPEC stand for? Middle East- 5 What does OPEC stand for?
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Middle East- 5 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
What method did Gandhi use to bring about independence in India? Asia- 1 What method did Gandhi use to bring about independence in India?
Asia- 1 Civil Disobedience
Asia- 2 What famous monument did Shah Jahan have built in honor and memory of his wife?
Asia- 2 Taj Mahal
Asia- 3 What product did Britain use in order to force open the Chinese market?
Asia- 3 Opium
Asia- 4 What movement began by Mao in 1966 channeled the rebelliousness of China’s youth against those Mao felt were threatening his power or losing their enthusiasm for the Communist Revolution?
Asia- 4 Cultural Revolution
Asia- 5 The Boxer Rebellion and the work of Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yixian) are most closely associated with
Rise of nationalism in China Asia- 5 Rise of nationalism in China
The Korean War was caused by what? Miscellaneous - 1 The Korean War was caused by what?
North Korea’s invasion of South Korea Miscellaneous - 1 North Korea’s invasion of South Korea
Miscellaneous - 2 In 1989, thousands of people were injured or killed when the Chinese government ordered troops and tanks to break-up a pro-democracy rally, which is referred to as
Tiananmen Square Massacre Miscellaneous - 2 Tiananmen Square Massacre
Miscellaneous - 3 Who led the Red Army to victory in establishing a Communist state in China?
Miscellaneous - 3 Mao Zedong
Miscellaneous - 4 Believes anyone can attain enough wisdom to break from the cycle of life and death.
Miscellaneous - 4 Buddhism
Promotes the caste system in society Miscellaneous - 5 Promotes the caste system in society
Miscellaneous - 5 Hinduism